I second that! First ask yourself what you want. You say that you like her, so that's a good indication that you want something with her. Usually it's hard to tell what a relationship will be before you try it. How can you tell the future? So one thing that works is to take relationships one step at a time. At any point in a relationship ask yourself "Do I want to take this one step further right now?" If you feel yes, then go ahead and take the next step. If no, move on.
Since you tend to overthink things, try to focus on your feelings. How are you feeling about her? Do you want to see her again? Just ask yourself that question and feel what answer comes up. No need to think about too much. If nothing comes up, sleep on it and ask yourself again tomorrow.
About you moving away, two things. First, this can actually be a great romantic set-up. You know, the guy who's about to leave town, looming deadline, star-crossed lovers, all that kind of thing. It's interesting and exciting. It can be a great turn-on for a girl. To be honest I wish I was in your place. I say get creative and play it up. You can tell her you're torn between your work and your attraction to her. That you don't have much time but you want to make the best of it with her and see what the future holds. Girls love it when you create an exciting situation like this. This kind of thing can get you laid - and it might be the start of something meaningful. It might feel a bit awkward if you're not used to it, but I'm sure she'll like it and like you more because of it.
Second, if she turns out to be somebody you want to be with in the long run, then is distance really a problem? People can move. If not, a short fling is better than no fling at all. Remember that most girls rebound from a breakup much faster than guys. I say go for it anyway and see what happens.
Good luck and keep us posted.