i'm the 500 plus days in first try

Ever thought of a flatline being a completely natural after so much time? We aren't machines, our mood and hormone balance changes with every day.

When would you say the biggest improvements happend(erections, confidence, quality of life). 1-2-3-6 months?
I believe the biggest improvements happen in the first month(s) and the minor adjustements in the following ones becoming less and less the longer you do it. Tell me if I'm wrong.
hello, like i said before improvements are splitter in 2 different sets, at least for me was like this:

- first 3 month you get sexual improvements. I went from not being able to have an erection to have erections as soon as i need one. I also gained an amazing hunger for women.

- in next months i started having desire to change my life, move, find a new job and find my way out of my parents house.

so i'd say that bigger improvements don't happen in the first months, but at the beginning you gain what is essential to your life's development: a good relationship with sex.

I feel that to continue my development, to find the best job i can, to make the best music i can, to have the best sex i can and to be the best version of myself i should not starting again masturbating that's why i don't :)
Do you have baldness issues before?
Do you still have urges? Just like before or lesser?
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Bro I'm 15 and I can't get past 2 weeks , I think it's all on your diceplin
100% your discipline. longest time I went was a few months and I can tell you its about making the commitment. all in all you don't gain anything, you aren't even stopping porn, you're escaping, its an addiction that leaves you with nothing. we think we getting pleasure from it but really we are not. there is nothing pleasant about it, just a habit that has formed and conviced us that we like it. think about it. only addicts are the ones who believe it is good for you. porn addicts are the same as heroin addicts. we are damaging our brains and we really convince ourselves it is okay. it is not okay.