Imagination addiction


New Fapstronaut
Hi everyone ,
I may be not a porn addict , quitting porn is easy for me .. but what's hard is my imagination...
I'm already suffering from intense daydreaming locking myself in my room working remote jobs low self-esteem...

My imagination is intense and full of details not like anyone else

I always daydreaming/imagining/fantasizing about sex , the problem is , it's even before i discovered porn since i was 8-10 years old before even i knew women had vaginas and i was fantasizing about my sexual stuff without even know about orgasms...

I really want to stop this shit the problem is i think I'm too far and suck , and nobody understands daydreaming well you might just reply "just stop thinking" and I've been trying to do that for my last 12 years

I'm 22 right now i really want to get my shit together and start living a normal life

And I don't know how to stop daydreaming
Specially sexual one , i can spend hours laying in my bed just thinking :/

I've tried exercising and gaming and alot of stuff
Everything seems boring for me even porn i can't stand watching +20 minutes of porn i just stop the video and keep fantasizing porn in my head :/

Btw i have no fetish or weird sexual behavior im straight..

Is there's anything that can help me through this I'm really want to start living and get away from my head
I'm honestly the same way I'm a very shy introvert also bipolar been homeschooled most my life I even got a birth defect in my jaw. So daydreaming and movies are something that really attracts me a lot just living in my fantasy world since the issues I am dealing with aren't in that world.

I think sexual daydreams are harder to deal with than regular ones I still daydream sometimes but something that has sort of helped me stop daydreaming about sex is the impact of real sex.

For example, I knew this one girl she was pretty I liked a lot her a lot and she was nice to me but she had a reputation.
I later found out that she got pregnant. Stuff like that just breaks my fantasy about sex I'm 23 I don't want to be a father that might change later I doubt it.

To stop regular daydreaming that isn't sexual I would suggest writing I been writing short stories about fantasies it has really helped a lot
Hi everyone ,
I may be not a porn addict , quitting porn is easy for me .. but what's hard is my imagination...
I'm already suffering from intense daydreaming locking myself in my room working remote jobs low self-esteem...

My imagination is intense and full of details not like anyone else

I always daydreaming/imagining/fantasizing about sex , the problem is , it's even before i discovered porn since i was 8-10 years old before even i knew women had vaginas and i was fantasizing about my sexual stuff without even know about orgasms...

I really want to stop this shit the problem is i think I'm too far and suck , and nobody understands daydreaming well you might just reply "just stop thinking" and I've been trying to do that for my last 12 years

I'm 22 right now i really want to get my shit together and start living a normal life

And I don't know how to stop daydreaming
Specially sexual one , i can spend hours laying in my bed just thinking :/

I've tried exercising and gaming and alot of stuff
Everything seems boring for me even porn i can't stand watching +20 minutes of porn i just stop the video and keep fantasizing porn in my head :/

Btw i have no fetish or weird sexual behavior im straight..

Is there's anything that can help me through this I'm really want to start living and get away from my head
I think daily meditation practise will you much! You will be more mindful & thoughtful. For me, I can daydream for hours if I have nothing to do at all. So, I make myself engage in activities that helps me keep busy, like working out, praying to God, listening to music etc.
Hi everyone ,
I may be not a porn addict , quitting porn is easy for me .. but what's hard is my imagination...
I'm already suffering from intense daydreaming locking myself in my room working remote jobs low self-esteem...

My imagination is intense and full of details not like anyone else

I always daydreaming/imagining/fantasizing about sex , the problem is , it's even before i discovered porn since i was 8-10 years old before even i knew women had vaginas and i was fantasizing about my sexual stuff without even know about orgasms...

I really want to stop this shit the problem is i think I'm too far and suck , and nobody understands daydreaming well you might just reply "just stop thinking" and I've been trying to do that for my last 12 years

I'm 22 right now i really want to get my shit together and start living a normal life

And I don't know how to stop daydreaming
Specially sexual one , i can spend hours laying in my bed just thinking :/

I've tried exercising and gaming and alot of stuff
Everything seems boring for me even porn i can't stand watching +20 minutes of porn i just stop the video and keep fantasizing porn in my head :/

Btw i have no fetish or weird sexual behavior im straight..

Is there's anything that can help me through this I'm really want to start living and get away from my head
I guess you need a good teacher , who will teach you to be concious , i will suggest you to join a community of monks (if you have no problem ) or there is " isha " community be part of them , tell them your problem
Yeah i will tell you good solution , visit a good psychologist , (make sure its male (lol) just because , if its women and if she appears beautiful you will again start fantasizing (lol)) , anyway , tell them your problem , surely i guess , it would be good

Remeber , Prevention is better than cure
Hi there,

I was like you. I have been addicted to porn since I was 12 years old. It took me several years to recognize how bad it is. I also daydreamed a lot about porn. I thought I must have great sex like porn to achieve the ultimate happiness. The reality was harsh and I was used to consume porn to cope with real life. Later I tried to quit on my own. It was not possible. But things change significantly when I knew God. I always wish that I would know him sooner. I did not have a privilege of knowing God when I was 22. You still have a great future. Don't worry, seek God and read Bible. You will find him. God loves you, Bulzew.

John 3:16
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.