In need of guidance


New Fapstronaut
Hi everyone. I'm Onwardon. So i will start off by saying this is not my first time around. I have struggled with pmo for most of my adult life. A part of me is scared to let go. Another part knows that i need this in my life. I could definitely use a friend or at least someone to listen during this process. I'm a twenty-something male ready to make a change. Thanks for reading.
You've hit the first step wanting to make a change. But you have to ask yourself is this the person I want to be someone who pmos thats it. Its the chemicals in your brain that make you want it. I won't lie every now and again the chemicals in my brain make me want it more than anything in the world but no matter how close I get I always stop because I know that its not the person I want to be. Its funny whatever you tell yourself not to do you really want to do. But no matter how much you want it you can move on and it will pass remember that. Ill be here man till I stop coming on here or ill figure it out. Good luck man on the ned step.
Thanks for the response. Sometimes i forget that people have the same struggles i have. I know this change is who i want to be. I hope through using the forum and communicating with others i can learn to understand my pmo, and eventually live without it. Your control gives me inspiration. Thanks again.
Onward, yes this is a struggle with your own mind. When you PMO you give your brain s rush of dopamine. That is what makes it so good right after and makes you fell so bad as it wares off.
On big problem that the porn and sites that tell you there is no problem doing it is. You brain wants more and soon it takes harder porn and some times worse ways to get off on to get that rush.
I have used a lot of different good habits to replace what I would do when I got the urge to give in. Find ways to distract your mind during the urge and soon it will go away. Then when it happens again use something a little different to keep your mind fresh.