In need of support/advice


I had a lengthy conversation with my husband this morning about what's been going on with me. He suggested that I post here and see if anyone else is dealing with something similar and if anyone has any advice.

Within the last several years, I've isolated myself from everyone (friends, family, ect.). I've found that I've become numb to being around others. Any physical contact from others, including my spouse, produces no feelings of love/companionship. Mostly just mild annoyance. I've also begun questioning whether or not I find my husband attractive/desirable.

This is making it even more difficult for me to not PMO. I feel completely alone most of the time, and even worse when I'm with others.

I don't know if this is due to a dopamine overdose, where I can't feel the minor amount of chemicals released during normal intimacy due to the high amount I normally get with PMO, or if it's something else entirely.

Any advice or support would be welcomed and appreciated.