Increased anxiety during reboot


New Fapstronaut
I'm 17 years old and am a porn addict. I used to watch porn every day to feel better and to reduce my social anxiety. A few months ago I discovered that porn is really bad. I thought it was just a bad habit but it turned out that it was a real addiction.

I'm currently on day 6 without PMO, but my anxiety is only increased since then. My body is also shaking, for example shaking leg syndrome, and I can't focus on school.

Does anyone have tips to reduce this level of stress to focus on school again and do important things in life?
Make sure you're getting proper sleep and nutrition for starters. Then if you don't have a hobby, get one. From what I've seen and personal experience when you start nofap you've basically freed up a lot of time because you're not spending all that time and energy on porn.

Plus the first week is always rough. Eventually your brain will balance itself.