Increased urge to have irl sex during early reboot - is it connected to increase in libido?


Always when I try to do a reboot after couple of days I have strong urges for real sex that are way worse than urge to look at porn or masturbate. Since I am not in a relationship those urges manifest themselves in ideas to have encounter with escort or look for a hook up. When I fap often I don't have much problems with such ideas. Have you got similar experiences? Is it increase in libido?
Yes of course and it's totally normal
Theses urges comes for the first 10 days, and then you'll be in a total flat line (loose of your Libido) and then affter 90 Days you will become a fresh new men, who can control his sex

And believe me, when you'll have real sex after 90 days with your GirlFriend and not a "H**" who don't share her sexual energy with you, you'll feel Heaven pleasure ! and you'll feel real pleasure everytime.

Don't ever fuck h**s they just don't share their Sexual energy, they just give you the body with no energy and that's similar to: Masturbation.

If you don't fuck a girl Who orgasms with you and who likes you and who gets horny when you touch her, you just PMO'd.

Good luck finding the one girl that will live the Sex life with you.
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Yes of course and it's totally normal
Theses urges comes for the first 10 days, and then you'll be in a total flat line (loose of your Libido) and then affter 90 Days you will become a fresh new men, who can control his sex

And believe me, when you'll have real sex after 90 days with your GirlFriend and not a "H**" who don't share her sexual energy with you, you'll feel Heaven pleasure ! and you'll feel real pleasure everytime.

Don't ever fuck h**s they just don't share their Sexual energy, they just give you the body with no energy and that's similar to: Masturbation.

If you don't fuck a girl Who orgasms with you and who likes you and who gets horny when you touch her, you just PMO'd.

Good luck finding the one girl that will live the Sex life with you.

I honestly can't wait for the flatline.