Intentionally lowering testosterone to reduce urges?

Stop thinking about women. Come back to us after a few days and let us know if you have felt any different during those days.

Just stop thinking about WOMEN!
Hi bro, i am following your story because it's similar to mine. Did that improve your condition? Any good news yet?
It helped me stop MO. Every now and then I relapse to MO, but 90% I'm not tempted.

Also, when I test my erection by thoughts, I think I'm getting it easier. But this definitely needs more time, I think.
It helped me stop MO. Every now and then I relapse to MO, but 90% I'm not tempted.

Also, when I test my erection by thoughts, I think I'm getting it easier. But this definitely needs more time, I think.
Do you consider your condition better than when it first started ?
That's good to hear, i think we both need a long abstinence period. I also relapsed after day 70 nofap, not because i was horny, but out of desperation i wanted to test my dick to porn.. unfortunately it didn't work. And i ended up fapping 4 times on Monday.
Erection wise I am no better than when it first started. I also don't experience any spontaneous erections since it started (2014).

Apart from that, and my expanding glutes, I don't really have any side effects (ie, no brain fog, meltdowns, etc).
I had a gf for about an 1 year. Then she broke up with me seeing my situation. Never contacted her again. Currently I am single. When I begun my journey, I was able to stop my urges then after few weeks I almost forgot about it. Now, I can't go past a couple days. Maybe 1 week if out of town, but that's about it. It's negatively affecting me. My anxiety has gotten worse, mood swings causes me to lash out at people. As I relapse over and over again, the withdrawals are getting progressively worse.
Reach out to someone you are close with and tell them about the issue. They can help you with accountability and motivation.
Is that even possible?

Well, you will get them come across your mind every now and then, and you will perhaps engage in thinking about them, but the more your practice STOPPING the thinking (when it arrives), the easier it becomes. The less frequent and intense thoughts you get about women romantically or sexually.