Intro & lil' bio

The Errol

(Sorry if my English isn't gramatically correct; I can undertand it properly, but writing or talking needs more improvement from my part.)

Hello community! I'm here ironically searching for advice for dating and courtship. Well, I want to stop fap because I'm still virgin. I'm almost 24, but I'm in that state more from my own beliefs rather than opportunities in my life. I had like 12 GFs in my life (well, actually only 2, the rest were only datings); even though I could had intercourse with any girl of them, but I choose to don't.

Actually I believed to fap would help me to avoid getting laid, or at least, reduce the urge to get intercourse. It didn't. I really love women, and I pretty aware about the emotional, psycological, physical and health damage that can occur if you have uncommited sex (for both partners). However, I'm really not addicted to porn, but to the orgasm actually.

So, in order to respect myself, and the women in my life, I want to start rebooting and have insights to avoid being in situation that could improve my abstinance until I get to proper person and circumstance were I can experience sex. And hearing about the enhanced mindset you can get from no fapping, sounds interesting!

So well, here's The Errol, saying hi to everyone! Hoping could get great feedback to all and also bring my insights to the community.
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Welcome to NoFap where you are amongst friends who are here to encourage you and sometimes challenge you but not judge you.

The enemy is here to steal, kill and destroy. What are your current strategies for combating the enemy called PMO?