Introduction to my Problem


New Fapstronaut
Hey there .. I heard about this website today , Actually I'm not a masturbation addict per se but I'm watching porn on a regular basis since 8 years and now I'm 21 years old . It has affected my mind to such an extent that whenever I'm introduced or talking to a female (known or unknown) I start thinking about how their privates would look like and I try to incorporate sexting with every other female I know (Non-Family) . My analytical thinking capacity has also been reduced to a greater extent due to this habit . I took a vow to not watch porn or masturbate for 90 days and today is day 4 . Any suggestions are welcome.

P.S. Feel free to criticize me .
Hi, welcome to NoFap! You've made a good decision to get on here and try the 90 day challenge! It's helping me so far! I don't see anything to criticize you for, everything you say sounds perfectly reasonable as to why you would want to make some changes. What ideas do you have for helping yourself cut our P and M?
Hi, welcome to NoFap! You've made a good decision to get on here and try the 90 day challenge! It's helping me so far! I don't see anything to criticize you for, everything you say sounds perfectly reasonable as to why you would want to make some changes. What ideas do you have for helping yourself cut our P and M?
I would say the tried and tested stuff like going to the gym , reading etc
Yes, going to the gym and reading are great ideas! Really I think the important thing is to find other things that make you feel good instead of P and M