Is BDSM the right form of pleasure seeking?

Discussion in 'Compulsive Sexual Behavior' started by Deleted Account, Oct 17, 2019.

  1. This is the question that has always confused me. Please give your opinions whether BDSM is right form of pleasure seeking? Whether taking torture or giving torture is more satisfying than normal sex?
    Deleted Account likes this.
  2. vocalfry

    vocalfry Fapstronaut

    Rather than right or wrong, which will lead to anxiety for a person that at some part 'wants to be good' or see themselves in what amounts to be the same. Perhaps consider, where did it come from? What is the earliest point this came into your life? Is this answering some need that was passed to you, taught to you, when you were in your formative years 4-7, perhaps? When you might have been learning that you have a self, needs, means to set about trying to answer them for yourself and such? Perhaps when you tried to connect with important people in your family. Perhaps less what they said, but the implications, the framework around, the 'meta communication' of what they implied you were or deserved, or what you needed to be to deserve or be..

    On another hand the sex drive, the dopamine systems are meant to facilitate learning, social habituations, and perhaps most important in a functional species, lead to reproduction. Whilst I can't really say good or bad, it does seem to be something of a hijacking or circumvention of those goals if a persons dopamine systems lead them to find torture, giving or receiving to be of significantly greater value to them. Then again perhaps it depends on whether there is a loving couple in this that is aware that these are 'acts' to achieve 'outcomes', a kind of private theatre where real harm should not be the outcome, perhaps then the couple that is loving is 'good'.

    On the other hand your on day 11, I just 'restarted'. Lets see what we have to think about at the end. Who knows, what measure of changes this process may lead us to.
  3. Anything which causes pain to a human being is to be categorized as a negative event, barring exceptions like childbirth and emotional sacrifices made by humans for the long run, since they bear more positive repercussions than negative.

    Pain for the purpose of amplifying sexual pleasure most definitely benefits nobody involved. It is a mere perversion of an intimate act. Sex alone is such a powerful representation of union between two humans; any requirement to manipulate its nature for the mere purpose of boosting pleasure is both unnecessary and, depending on the exact nature of the modification made, possibly negative.

    BDSM most definitely categorizes itself as a negative enhancement, regardless of approval or legality.

    At least, this is my current opinion on the matter. It is unlikely to change.
  4. Yeah I agree with jinzo. We all have to sit down and realise sex is already pleasurable enough without adding things onto it in order to feel more pleasure. I don’t have any experience with BDSM, although I do have my own fetishes, but I do know you must have those “what the hell am I doing moments” as I do, usually after the O. These moments are telling us something. Let’s all start listening to ourselves.
  5. SeekingPower

    SeekingPower Fapstronaut

    Its ok.
    What is not ok is masturbation and porn.
    but everything you do in real life )that is with consent) is ok.

    this forums is overun with people who have limited view and experience with sex, and they only accept vanilla sex.
    Frankly, its getting annoying.
    red gyarados likes this.
  6. CodeTalker

    CodeTalker Fapstronaut

    so an orgy with 20 men is ok ? And what’s about incest, is that ok too ? And a 80 yo dude with a 18 yo girl ? If they all agree. I think it’s all perversion you learned from porn and it won’t make you feel better.

    bdsm also is tied to porn because I don’t think naturally you will not do those thing to your partner. Sure it existed before, but I think most people were clueless about that form of sex.
    I think bdsm is harmful to your partner (and I say that despite the fact that this is precisely my porn fetish) and it mess up the couple balance. How natural is it to make someone you love suffer ?
    And if it’s about pleasure induced by pain, then what will be the next step ? Choking ? Now where are entering a dangerous territory.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  7. SeekingPower

    SeekingPower Fapstronaut

    You are on the wrong forum. This forum is about stopping masturbation and porn. You should go to a forum that seeks to limit sexual behavior.
    Also you are lying. I have had bdsm thoughts since forever, even before internet and porn existed. BDSM by itself existed way long before that, you could track it at least to ancient Rome.

    Some would even argue that most girls are submissive, especially when dominate by an alpha.
    Yea, this forum is really becoming a loser and incel shithole.

    Just because you can't get laid, it does'nt mean that some girl doesn't enjoy being tied and hardcored by an attractive alpha male.
  8. CodeTalker

    CodeTalker Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the chuckle. You don't know anything about my life, but whatever haha. If it helps you sleep thinking I'm an "incel loser", good for you.

    I won't discuss or argue with you anymore because you are disrespectful and you didn't even read me properly.

    Also I do not represent nofap so I can say whatever I want. I can talk about sexual perversion if I want. ;)
    Deleted Account and Kligor like this.