No no, I am not saying you won't feel sexually attracted. I am saying desperation might be lower and you will have abandance mindset if you have lots of options. That friday you may not have to wonder if your only female friend Tina won't come to boat cruise and you have to go alone, instead of you will go to cruise anyways with bunch of female friends and have a good time, even if you don't fuck them.
that’s what I am saying brother, whether you have more options or less options, it’s all the same outcome.
if you are attracted to your friend, just because you have more options doesn’t make you less desperate.
it’s a tough pill to swallow, however if the female friend offered to sleep with you despite having multiple options, you would take it.
I understand what you are trying to say, basically if you have Lee female friends then you wouldn’t have to resort to desperation because you have options, in fact it could make it worse because you aren’t now only thinking about 1 female friend, you are now thinking of multiple female friends that sexually attract you.