Is Masturbating without porn count as relapse?


Hi guys. Well I'm on day 22 and I've been wondering. What happens if I masturbate without watching any porn or images? Like say for example, thinking about my girl or say my last sexual experience? Does that count as a relapse? Not long ago I was reading here that it must be considered a reset not a relapse. But what do they mean for a Reset?
For me, personally anyway, it's a slippery slope. I've gone on a streak before, and masturbated without porn to give myself some form of relief and reward, and it reverted right back to a relapse. But, I don't know how the guidelines work with that here - just giving you some caution.
M and PMO are all in one- self pleasure. It’s not worth it and leaves you feeling just as dumb.
What is your goal?
to abstain from porn, to abstain from masturbation or to abstain from both?
Hello! Well... Actually because of my addiction, I never masturbated if I wasn't watching porn. So I always asociated one with the other, no P no M and viceversa. Whenever I tried masturbation thinking about a girl or other thing that wasn't porn it just didn't happen. So I can say my goal is abstaining myself from porn.
For me, personally anyway, it's a slippery slope. I've gone on a streak before, and masturbated without porn to give myself some form of relief and reward, and it reverted right back to a relapse. But, I don't know how the guidelines work with that here - just giving you some caution.
Even if it is with a recent sexual encounter?
Hello! Well... Actually because of my addiction, I never masturbated if I wasn't watching porn. So I always asociated one with the other, no P no M and viceversa. Whenever I tried masturbation thinking about a girl or other thing that wasn't porn it just didn't happen. So I can say my goal is abstaining myself from porn.
Then here is your answer..
The fact that you can masturbate without the need of porn is a big improvement.
I still don't think that it's a good idea but if it feels right for you then do that.
Then here is your answer..
The fact that you can masturbate without the need of porn is a big improvement.
I still don't think that it's a good idea but if it feels right for you then do that.
Oh ok!.... So I guess it is kind of a good thing, sort of right?. I mean I still did it and I think that's the not so cool part. But I guess doing it without porn is a little improvement. I will then add this too to my abstain list.
Just one question, and sorry if it seems a little gross. The fact that it happened, that I was able to get aroused and finishing without looking at porn when before that I could only do it with porn, is a good sign? Am I showing reebot signs? Doing it without porn is healthy right? I promise I won't do it again. Thank you so much.
Then shall I restar my counter?
It's up to you really, if you feel the same way that you did back when you were PMOing then a it is a relapse and you should restart... if you can keep going with your streak then go ahead, just try not to let masturbation to become a coping mechanism.
This is your decision to make, because you know what your goals are better than anyone. But personally from experience I firmly say that going hard mode (especially cutting out both P and M) is the only way to truly see the best results and fully reboot. Masturbation is still just a play on your fantasies. Orgasming with a real partner is so much better. Continuing to fantasize and get off to fetishes whether it’s in a porno or in your mind is still messing with your dopamine receptors and preventing you from truly recovering. Look at it this way: if you weren’t interested in masturbating, would you have bothered looking at porn at all? My guess is no. We are in fact addicted to masturbating, and porn is just a means to make it happen. After a while you become desensitized the more you fap and the weirder your fetishes become the more you fantasize about them. Eventually porn enters the picture and it is the only thing that can get you off due to the escalation of your fantasies. It is all too easy to continue masturbating after you’ve quit porn and eventually fall right back into watching it again. I would completely avoid both P and M if I were you and begin seeking out a real partner for real sex instead of faking it alone in your room. That’s just my two cents...
It's up to you really, if you feel the same way that you did back when you were PMOing then a it is a relapse and you should restart... if you can keep going with your streak then go ahead, just try not to let masturbation to become a coping mechanism.
Well I certainly don't feel bad about it, not like when I did PMO. This had never happened to me to M without P. But I guess I also don't feel good about it either. Actually my balls hurt after it and it's been a while. And I did feel like it is a step back. The fact that I was able to M without P does not erase the fact that I still did it, even if it was thinking about the last time I had sex with my gf.
This is your decision to make, because you know what your goals are better than anyone. But personally from experience I firmly say that going hard mode (especially cutting out both P and M) is the only way to truly see the best results and fully reboot. Masturbation is still just a play on your fantasies. Orgasming with a real partner is so much better. Continuing to fantasize and get off to fetishes whether it’s in a porno or in your mind is still messing with your dopamine receptors and preventing you from truly recovering. Look at it this way: if you weren’t interested in masturbating, would you have bothered looking at porn at all? My guess is no. We are in fact addicted to masturbating, and porn is just a means to make it happen. After a while you become desensitized the more you fap and the weirder your fetishes become the more you fantasize about them. Eventually porn enters the picture and it is the only thing that can get you off due to the escalation of your fantasies. It is all too easy to continue masturbating after you’ve quit porn and eventually fall right back into watching it again. I would completely avoid both P and M if I were you and begin seeking out a real partner for real sex instead of faking it alone in your room. That’s just my two cents...
I do have a sexual partner, actually hehe. She's aware of everything related to my addiction and all, and is very supportive. But I guess you are right, since we are dating I've never been able to have an orgasm with her even though I try my hardest. I better not try to fool myself and just assume that what I did was not right and start again to try keeping a new streak because this new streak I broke.
I do have a sexual partner, actually hehe. She's aware of everything related to my addiction and all, and is very supportive. But I guess you are right, since we are dating I've never been able to have an orgasm with her even though I try my hardest. I better not try to fool myself and just assume that what I did was not right and start again to try keeping a new streak because this new streak I broke.
Sorry, didn’t see the part where you mentioned you had a girlfriend. But in that case it’s even more critical that you stop P and M. By continuing to masturbate you’ll just continue to reinforce your fantasies rather than being able to be pleasured by your gf. If you already have a partner then there’s no reason you shouldn’t be having sex with her instead of your hand...
Oh ok!.... So I guess it is kind of a good thing, sort of right?. I mean I still did it and I think that's the not so cool part. But I guess doing it without porn is a little improvement. I will then add this too to my abstain list.
Just one question, and sorry if it seems a little gross. The fact that it happened, that I was able to get aroused and finishing without looking at porn when before that I could only do it with porn, is a good sign? Am I showing reebot signs? Doing it without porn is healthy right? I promise I won't do it again. Thank you so much.
Yeah, that's a good sign of a reboot.