Is this a relapse? Please read this if you are experienced/an veteran on nofap


New Fapstronaut
Soo this night at 3:30 am I did something unexpecting. Soo that time I woke up at bed and I was horny af fantasazing about a real girl that im interesting in, no porn fantasy, realistic fantasy. Soo at this point its a red flag but I was semi wake semi sleeping that I kept fantasazing to the point I was rubbing my dick against the bed, huge red flag I know. Now I wasnt worry that this would be bad because 2 years I go I did rubbed my penis against the bed for minutes maybe almost an hour and I never orgasm. Well, except this night. My god I have gotten to be soo god damm horny to ejaculate by rubbing my penis against the bed. I never thought it would happen and I didnt even masturbate. Soo with that said was this a relapse?
It's upto you to decide whether it was a relapse or not, what are your goals etc. Earlier even I used to do shit like that and search for relapse answers on the forum, but then I set some written rules for myself whether what is considered as a reset/relapse for me myself. Like right now if I'm doing hard mode, I don't allow myself to fantasize, if a thought comes I acknowledge it for a second and then distract myself. If I edge, then I just relapse/reset and then start again. It's upto you, that's the bottom line. Be true to yourself, your rules and decide, If I were you I would give myself another chance because you did it in a semi-conscious state, try not to do it again that's it...
I’m no veteran but here’s my opinion: Realistic fantasy is better than porn fantasy, but it’s still a fantasy. So it really depends on your goals, if you want to achieve total control over your urges, then that would be a 100% a relapse, if you want to have a better relationship with women and sexuality I guess that would be alright.

I have a similar story, during no nut September I was something like two weeks in and I vaccineed myself with Aztra, that night I felt like I shit, so I wake up to a massive boner, and I’m half-dead, half-sleep, so I end up jerking off through this fever and losing the challenge; I don’t know how I didn’t die, but I hope I never go through something like that again, xDDD.
Honestly, the rubbing would be considered a relapse. The fantasizing is what I consider a red flag, but the physical self stimulation is the relapse. Stay strong and dont do it again.
It was a relapse, but fantasizing is not a relapse. Fantasizing is bad because it can lead to a relapse so stop it. It does not matter if it is porn or a real girl, it will only make your journey harder.