Is this a relapse?


New Fapstronaut
Ok soo 30 minutes ago I made a terrible mistake, I was searching for a video game female character in google images (I was conscious that was a porn sub) and while i was looking at the pics of that character it was shown a porn image of that character (keep in mind I just typed the name of the character, google images isnt even safe) looked at it for a 1-2 seconds than looked away, then after a few seconds stumbled across with another two porn images looked at it for a second and then I stumbled across with the first porn image for like 20 seconds, then closed the tab and stoped searching again. Soo is this a relapse?
If your goal is no P, then I'd say yes. I somewhat hesitate to say this as I don't want to encourage the mindset of "Well, I may as well PMO now".

Just see it as a slip in the process. Address it so it doesn't happen in the future and move on as normal.
I don't think that is a relapse. I also saw some dirty pictures, and dirty scenes in movies and I am still going hard.
The problem is trying to "cheat" or "game" the process. It's like trying to break a strength record at the gym with half-assed reps. The only person you're cheating is yourself.
you know what if this is a relapse, im gonna accepted it, reset my days and will not do pmo, im gonna fight it
Props. Honestly it doesn't matter if you call it a slip, reset, relapse, or minor lapse in judgement. If you don't let it get you down and use it as a springboard to get better and stronger, you've won. Fuck what you're counter says.
Ok soo 30 minutes ago I made a terrible mistake, I was searching for a video game female character in google images (I was conscious that was a porn sub) and while i was looking at the pics of that character it was shown a porn image of that character (keep in mind I just typed the name of the character, google images isnt even safe) looked at it for a 1-2 seconds than looked away, then after a few seconds stumbled across with another two porn images looked at it for a second and then I stumbled across with the first porn image for like 20 seconds, then closed the tab and stoped searching again. Soo is this a relapse?
Not a relapse, buh a dangerous move. You dont want to get wet in the beach, yet, you’re lightly tapping your feet at ocean in the shoreline. Sooner or later, you gonna get washed away by the waves of the sea, so please by careful and avoid p-subs
Not a relapse, buh a dangerous move. You dont want to get wet in the beach, yet, you’re lightly tapping your feet at ocean in the shoreline. Sooner or later, you gonna get washed away by the waves of the sea, so please by careful and avoid p-subs

What does P sub actually mean? Porn substitution?