Is uncommon edging bad?


I struggled with porn addiction for years but made progress after quitting in 2022. Recently, I've developed a habit of edging and experiencing frequent wet dreams. While I haven't fully relapsed, I'm worried about the impact on my recovery. Wet dreams seem to follow edging sessions, leading to concerns about slipping back into old habits. Looking for advice and shared experiences on this.
I struggled with porn addiction for years but made progress after quitting in 2022. Recently, I've developed a habit of edging and experiencing frequent wet dreams. While I haven't fully relapsed, I'm worried about the impact on my recovery. Wet dreams seem to follow edging sessions, leading to concerns about slipping back into old habits. Looking for advice and shared experiences on this.
Wet dreams are normal but STOP edging! You do NoFap to quit this addiction of PMO you have yes? If so when you Edge it’s like an alcoholic taking small sips of alcohol even though he is trying to quit, but still hasn’t. This is you and you need to stop edging if you wanna beat this addiction completely, I know you can do it :)
I struggled with porn addiction for years but made progress after quitting in 2022. Recently, I've developed a habit of edging and experiencing frequent wet dreams. While I haven't fully relapsed, I'm worried about the impact on my recovery. Wet dreams seem to follow edging sessions, leading to concerns about slipping back into old habits. Looking for advice and shared experiences on this.
Edging is terrible. I told myself I was doing NOFAP for years but was edging every morning! I got the benefits from it at first but you're lighting the candle at both ends. It won't last.

When I stopped edging, MAJOR WITHDRAWALS came hitting me super hard. Quit it now man if you can. I wish I had.
I struggled with porn addiction for years but made progress after quitting in 2022. Recently, I've developed a habit of edging and experiencing frequent wet dreams. While I haven't fully relapsed, I'm worried about the impact on my recovery. Wet dreams seem to follow edging sessions, leading to concerns about slipping back into old habits. Looking for advice and shared experiences on this.

Please read the posts above. Yes, STOP edging - you are playing with fire and also keeping part of the toxic pathways in your brain intact. It is the addict brain leaving crumbs down to the road back to hell. It's trying to keep you from recovering fully so that when Life Gets Bad again, it will be like "hey, remember PMO?" and send you down the spiral of hell you escaped. Been there, done that.
Please read the posts above. Yes, STOP edging - you are playing with fire and also keeping part of the toxic pathways in your brain intact. It is the addict brain leaving crumbs down to the road back to hell. It's trying to keep you from recovering fully so that when Life Gets Bad again, it will be like "hey, remember PMO?" and send you down the spiral of hell you escaped. Been there, done that.

I have posted the similar post about this which was longer but people didn't reply to it, but I have a very long story on my profile on how I abstained from PMO and I got off of a lot of bad fetishes that I used to just daydream and yearn to act it out as soon as I got home, however after about a 5-6 month period this edging habit only became common a couple of months ago, I think I have done it about every 1-2 weeks before writing this post.

This made me remember a lot of good things about a book I read for addicts and made me connect with myself again to minimize this because all of you are right, why feed this devilish cycle at all with small sips?

The answer to that is my unconsciouss response, feeling a bit sloppy in the morning and just feeding the innate desires and I think I have posted the book that helped me a lot with this but essentially it made me reconnect with a lot of important stuff as why I stayed with this semen retention habit.

What I wanted to say is that when the desires for these edging sessions came, I had kept myself from any pornographic material for so long that even a slight stimulation would make me O but before that there's a sense of catiousness as to how I don't want to reach O because it would sap my energy throughout the day,

after a few years I realized deeply and even when I'm procrastinating that this PMO habit is something like banging your head against a wall to stop the desires only to cause more pain in the end.

When I edged I had done it to a content I had initially liked but when I pulled away it's like my non-addict self came in and suddenly didn't feel the need to be erect in the first place.

I had heard that people who were deep addicts now suddenly dont feel attracted to the pixels or the idea of watching someone else doing the act, and similarly I had experienced these but initially there was this illusion, this temptation that made me fall into it

What I wanted to ask in my first post was is there a solution to prevent wet dreams from happening right after these if I accidentally fell into the temptation of edging? I was curious if there was anyone with a similar situation where they sometimes felt like edging but knew to not fall into
TLDR: I had made a longer post about this topic before but no one replied to it. My question is that when these edging sessions happen, and they happen by accident, unconsciouss fall into temptation, I worry about the following wet dreams which usually sap me from my energy.
To me these edging scenarios have become so quick that since I've been away from porn for so long my sensitivity has gone up very high and when I reach the end I realize deeply just how much of this short lived plaesure in my mind quickly turns into emptiness.

Has anyone felt like who has been on Nofap for a year or 1-2 years:
-You have some occasional fantasies in your mind that you act out once or twice a month without PMO but partially one of them
-You sometimes feel like you don't have the same attraction towards pornographic 2d films/images that you used to have when you were addicted
-having wet dreams after eating oily food before bedtime, seen arousing images, been edging but didn't O, bad sleeping position

Have you tried anything to prevent these wet dreams from happening, has anything worked for anyone?