

New Fapstronaut
Once, I stumbled upon a video discussing a mouse experiment. The experiment involved placing a mouse in a cage with two water sources: one with normal water and one with drugged water. The mouse, unsurprisingly, chose the drugged water. However, when a few more mice were added to the cage, the original mouse reduced its intake of the drugged water. This suggested that isolation was a major factor driving the mouse to consume the drugged water. This example has been used in discussions about porn addiction to illustrate that one of the reasons for addiction is to mitigate the influence of one's environment. While this might be true for some, it doesn’t necessarily apply to everyone.In the past year or so, I managed to lead a pretty social life due to my work. I also had a relationship, which, although not serious, meant I wasn’t often alone. However, the addiction didn’t vanish; the cravings remained, and having a partner sometimes increased the drive for pleasure. Replacing masturbation with sex might seem beneficial, but without control, it can be as addictive as porn. When I was alone, I craved companionship, and when I couldn't get it, I turned to porn for a spike of pleasure. This behavior can only be described as escapism.When my relationship ended and I was no longer needed at work, I found myself alone. This time, I had a choice: continue watching porn to escape or resist and face my problems. Through trial and error, I discovered that my relapses were not due to isolation. Instead, I began to see my solitude as an opportunity to rediscover myself. Subconsciously, porn addiction had made being alone more bearable, but facing it during withdrawal opened my eyes to many things. Isolation turned out to be a gift rather than a curse.Facing my addiction in isolation, which led to longer periods of abstinence, revealed a new strength within me. I realized that if I could endure and not give up, even while suffering alone, I would no longer fear loneliness in the future. I am determined to keep going, no matter what, because I believe it will make me stronger. It’s about perseverance, no matter the circumstances.
I think in your case you needed a break from the constant stimulation to build your own discipline. Sometimes we need to build and maintain relationships, sometimes we need to be around people. A wise man said there is a time for everything. It’s a mistake to say we never, or always, must do this or need these conditions.

This need for balance does make it hard to know what a person needs in the moment, though.