It's official: There is no longer any safe place on the internet for who is doing NoFap

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Deleted Account, Apr 11, 2024.

  1. What I have witnessed in the last few days is something I would not think it would happen so fast. It's been 6 years since the NoFap community started to get worried with how bad internet has became regarding to porn being everywhere.

    I was wandering through Youtube to search about health topics when I saw a naked women in the home page. There are literally porn videos available on platforms without any restriction or blurr. On Instagram and TikTok, even if you tap ''not interested'' on the recommended content, you will still receive NSFW images or videos.

    This made me believe that unfollowing, reporting, blocking, muting and distancing from this content is not enough anymore.

    This is the reason I always recommend NoFappers to stay offline and only use internet when necessary. There is no chance to see triggering content if you stay miles away from any screen.
  2. onceaking

    onceaking Fapstronaut

    I find it very easy to use the internet without seeing triggering content. There's more to the internet than YouTube, Instagram and TikTok. Use the Unhook extension, and you'll probably avoid all the triggering stuff on YouTube. I deleted my TikTok account because it's full of the silly videos and people having dumb fights in the comment section. I sometimes go on Instagram, but only when I want to post something and then delete the app. I recognise it can be triggering, that's why I spend minimal time on it.
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2024
  3. gordonfreeman14603

    gordonfreeman14603 Fapstronaut

    I'm tired to say this but you guys have to cut your internet connection like I did 2 days ago. I'm posting this only in working hours and believe me, my job is all about computers. So if I can do this everybody can. Also you can disable photos in your main browser like I did.
  4. Exponential Power

    Exponential Power Fapstronaut

    I had a problem with Facebook but since I've been dismissing things my feed has improved. I used to seek triggering content on YouTube but now I mostly watch religion and politics so it hasn't been a problem lately.
  5. Thanks OP - wise words. Since youtube introduced the "shorts" it has been especially bad at recommending all sortso of softcore P BS. "look im in spandex and going to roll on this ball for 'exercise'" - 12M likes. F*ckoff with all that, Youtube/Google/Alphabet

    One of the stupidest things I think we do as a society is to always think were "above" the algorithms. We think we can control it. It's like going to a shooting range and thinking you can walk around in front of all the targets cause you assume people will see you in a stupid hat or something.

    I need to take my own advice though and just unplug for a week. I rely on this crap too much and I used to have great streaks back when I did that.

    +1 for all the people out there using DVD players and physical media generally. I think part of the trap is all this "recommended content" BS. I dont need that manipulation in my life. How about I play the movie **I** want to play because **I** picked it out?

    I honestly dont know why people havent rioted and burned everything long ago from this insane internet culture where you need f*cking wifi to date the people in your neighborhood, to get a job, to 'socialize' with your friends, to get advice, to ask any question, to turn on your bedroom light, your thermostat, and pretty soon to flush the goddamn toilet.

    /end rant
  6. onceaking

    onceaking Fapstronaut

    You can bookmark the pages you want to visit and avoid scrolling your feed. That's what I do, and Facebook is no problem.
    Itsuki and Ammar2 like this.
  7. Well, you completed my post with your comment. The algorithm of social media apps put NSFW content everywhere to make people spend hours consuming this type of content. With users staying hours and hours on their phones, they put ADs everywhere, and BOOOOM! Huge gains for the app.

    Now I feel better knowing I'm not the only one who is mad with how Internet works nowadays. Especially because we can't do nothing without being connected to it, making us more dependent (or addicted!) to our screens and it's content.
    cleaningupmyact and Itsuki like this.
  8. New Journey

    New Journey Fapstronaut

    I've began to just associate the internet with porn. Afterall, the advancement of the internet has coincided with porn.

    Once upon a time you'd have a female colleague at work you found attractive. You'd probably go home and masturbate using your imagination. Don't even need to that now. Follow them on Facebook or Instagram and Bam, plenty of potential Psub material. Now we have tiktok, onlyfans, camsites - it just gets worse. Even if you don't look at porn, social media is just a gateway - well it is for me anyway.

    It doesn't take much to find something remotely arousing on the Internet. You're just a click away
    LifeSaviour and Itsuki like this.
  9. Itsuki

    Itsuki Fapstronaut

    its getting bad, dude, its like everyone sees the car rolling off the cliff but no one is doing anything about it
    cleaningupmyact likes this.
  10. Itsuki

    Itsuki Fapstronaut

    Radio and music aren't safe either. Its all innuendo. Sex sells.
  11. Itsuki

    Itsuki Fapstronaut

    exactly, social media is the gateway to pornography, was it designed that way on purpose...?
    tawwab1 likes this.
  12. tawwab1

    tawwab1 Fapstronaut

    I keep all images blocked on my computer, and on my phone I just don't visit social media sites.
  13. Solid advice. In my experience, what happened to you is nothing new, YouTube has been compromised for years.
  14. LostSon41

    LostSon41 Fapstronaut

    Well said. Might have to quote that
  15. You shared a great example. I still try to do that with the "imagination" cause part of that is a) doing whats natural and b) creating a fantasy were you and that person are *Together* having a good time. Not the same when youre being a cuck on a screen gooning on their Instashit or whatever.

    Another example of the INSANITY: I saw recently a *mainstream* paper of a metropolitan area - you know the usual, sports, movies, shows. And then what did I see? "The hottest stars on onlyfans" Yes, right there in the city newspaper was a goddamn ad for PROSTITUTION. This is how "normal" this shit has become with the Internet. "This weeks top 10 hookers for you to enjoy"

    (P.S. I dont mean this as a disrespect to the women trying to make ends meat. Just the BS industry of it all - lead and promoted by gooner sex trafficking shitbags)

    Its widely known the JPEG format was developed for the P industry. A great deal of tech for the internet was developing for the drug. After all, 1/3 of ALL internet traffic is fucking porn. There are more clicks on the hub each year than people on planet earth. Think about that.
    LifeSaviour and New Journey like this.
  16. Be Inspired

    Be Inspired Fapstronaut

    I don't use Instagram or TikTok because social media is a dumpster fire. I use YouTube very sparingly only to listen to podcasts or lectures. I grew up before the internet. I remember the time when YouTube, TikTok or Instagram did not exist on the internet. There was a time on the internet before social media as we know it today existed. The internet was never, nor has it ever been a safe place for a PMO addict. The internet was always full of trash and NSFW material. As a former PMO addict, I don't hang out on the internet, I don't browse or explore the internet. I am not perfect at setting boundaries but I have to set boundaries on the internet. I am 219 days free from PMO today by the grace of God and hope to keep it that way. Wishing everyone recovery from this awful addiction.
  17. Yin&Yang-Yūki

    Yin&Yang-Yūki Fapstronaut

    "Us" ;)
    Keli likes this.
  18. New Journey

    New Journey Fapstronaut

    From CHATGPT:

    "The adult industry has indeed played a significant role in the development and popularization of internet technologies. Pornography has often been an early adopter and driver of innovations in online payment systems, streaming media, and website design. Additionally, the demand for privacy and anonymity in accessing adult content has contributed to the development of technologies like secure browsing and virtual private networks (VPNs). However, it's important to note that while the adult industry has influenced certain aspects of internet development, it's just one of many factors shaping the evolution of the online landscape"

    Quite insane really. I remember the time when the internet seemed exciting. Probably due to the fact that you needed to invest a lot of time just to log-in. Porn wasn't as much as an issue then due to slow download times. I remember using Limewire (pre-torrent) and tried to download a film about the band Cream. It took a week, but you can imagine what I got instead.
    Itsuki likes this.
  19. That's unbelievable dude. I think people lost their mind and live in a world where they think everyone is an adult who wants to have sex all time. There is no morality anymore, no worries about kids and teenagers being exposed to pornography.

    I was worried 10 years ago with porn stars being famous on internet, but now EVERY women in the planet can became a sex worker and be known globally for their ''job''.
  20. Well, I grew up before internet started to be popular, from what I remember, the internet only had porn only if you looked for it. People on social media didn't posted photos or videos with short or tight clothes, potentially NSFW content was removed very quickly by the moderators, Youtube was family friendly, etc.

    Nowadays we are being exposed to NSFW in all places. Social media, ADs, apps... Everywhere.

    Also, I'm pretty happy you're already miles away from that degeneracy. God is wonderful, and I believe everybody will be healed from lust and have a good and peaceful life.
    Be Inspired and Itsuki like this.