I've tried so many times, how to do it

Tan Korrey

Hi all, I'm a pretty "successful" individual, I have a beautiful girlfriend that I love. But I can't stop returning every few weeks to porn. And when I come back, Its masturbating 3-4 times a day and feeling like shit. How to stop?
I've asked to those who sober from alcohol. "What the secret of being sober?" I ask. And their answer are really honest. "There are no secret. It just facing our problem, be accountabie, come to your 12 step meeting everyday, and admit you have a problem".

Actually i get so many people who answer to my question, but the substance all is same
Yeah.. sometimes because my friends talk about porn I feel like its actually ok, maybe its normal.. but ALL my bad weeks involve porn and all my good ones don't
Often times, I think grief is associated with negative energy. It can accumulate and begin to drag you down as they continue to go about your week not dealing with this problem head on. Our unconscious is half of our existence yet we completely ignore it by choice, and by that not of our own. Realizing that our thoughts can have a affect on our life is real is something that helped me. I struggle each day, but by having faith in God I have been able to have my cup filled to the brim. But each time I sin, I spill till there is nothing left, then I feel the affects of my self induced dehydration. Everything falls from there, but If I repent, then my mind is cleaned and I feel better. You might not believe in a Creator, but at least it works for me. If you feel as if you can't quit porn on your own, give it to a higher power. Faith is something that comes when you work on it more, each and every day. Like a tree. You must water it, or it will dry up.