I totally spaced that you are in NYC which yes.... there are triggers everywhere. But I guess for us, obviously we couldn't limit everything but in the beginning we gave my husband the best chance at being successful by cutting 80% of it out. Obviously we have billboards around us and the mall ads are pretty bad at times, etc. and so we just did our best. But the no nudity we were pretty strict on given that nudity on a screen no matter what it is reactivates the porn wiring in the brain.
And ogling and lusting, my husband never went through that, but I know
@Kenzi and her husband did and I know they had a 3 second rule and ways they dealt with it and I do believe today he doesn't struggle nearly the way he used to, so maybe she can give some solid pointers.
And yes, obviously we want our addicts to be able to have self-control and we are not their mothers.... but addicts in the beginning of recovery (and if they keep relapsing/hiding/lying etc they are still in "active mode" essentially because the wires are bring fired up) they need strictness and structure. I say this not only for PA's but all addicts. Give an addict and inch, they will take a mile. Eventually the strictness and structure loosen as they are out of the fog, doing well in recovery and you can see a genuine change - which I do think Wade had had those genuine moments thus far, which is great!
Oh yeah, that is so hard! I get it, I mean my husband wasn't an ogler, but given I found all his history I know the exact types he saw and looked at so when I see those types in real life even if they aren't triggers for him anymore and such I still am in fight or flight mode ready to bolt and panic.
Something that has helped us is that we know that we are going to run into situations that are just BAD for one or both of us as we try to live a life of recovery.... so in those situations, usually my husband can totally tell, but even if not, and I make it known that my trigger level is extremely high because of X then we have come up with many solutions for possible situations (i.e. triggering girl walks in and sits in husbands view, we switch seats.... guys start calling girls bitches, cunts, whores and talking porn and stuff, he calls them out on it and leaves, being invited to a bar late at night, he tells the guys to come over instead as we have a little one and are tied up,e tc.). We also have a code word for if either of us is triggered so we can just say that and we can do our best to support each other and make the situation as easy as it can possibly be.
For me I've learned that I can handle 1-2 triggers a day if they are spaced out.... but if I get bombarded with trigger, after trigger, after trigger, (like at a mall or something) then I am already gone in BT/PTSD mode. So we do have plans for those times where we will need to go to a mall to get clothes.... it just has taken a lot of communication and for him to really be understanding which came with recovery time.
Yep lol NYC, sex/half-naked women sell stuff here like hot cakes and so of course since money talks, it is used to promote anything and everything, it's pathetic but unfortunately reality.
He has actually gotten much better with ogling/slips, we've worked out our own system, where full honesty and complete awareness is the best policy for us. He is able to recognize the difference between unintentional slips, where his eyes just meet anyone's ass (because of 'force of habit', which he is working on, like even finding his eyes automatically going downward, even if a grandpa passing by) so meaning slips out of reflex, even if there is zero attraction. He is able to recognize if someone is attractive, but not go into lust anymore. He is able to distinguish the difference (finally!) between noticing someone attractive versus being attracted to someone, he can even be mindful enough to break it down. Changes are happening on his end and he is out of the fog, for sure, but for me though, due to my own issues on it, I still just find it difficult to believe, after everything I've witnessed/been through for over 12 years, that I'm the one he wants/desires - especially after triggers, when I compare myself to how those other women look (how different we are). I know that recovery rewires their brains, I know it's science blah blah, but my brain was never in a fog, it was all painful and real to me.
Boundaries came about differently for us, I would kindly inform him what makes me uncomfortable or could possibly trigger me, then he would decide whether or not to put up his own boundaries/bottom liners (for himself). So far, it has been working well, he hasn't lied or relapsed yet. There was only one boundary I set in place from the start and the only one I care about, it was - be honest, no matter what. Thing is, I told him from the get-go, whether you work your recovery (for yourself) or not, does not matter to me because I'm going to go ahead and work on myself, either way, it is totally up to you whether you join me or lose me.
Ohhhhh okay, got it. At least they work different shifts.... in the future, I would definitely have a talk about if he ever does end up getting a shift with her he lets you know ASAP and lets you know about all the information you need/want to know. For me, I would want to know where they are (at work, at a work site, grabbing food) and I would want to know the conversation topics and if she was flirty/ trying to touch him and if so, how did he handle the situation (i.e. "I have a wife, you really need to stop flirting and touching me, you're making me uncomfortable and I really wouldn't want to take this to HR and want to nip it here in the bud, thanks and I hope you can respect my feelings on it" etc).
Well it's good he has changed, and fuck those guys lol. I know my husband called out on of his past co-workers when he was talking VS models and my husband was pointing out how unhealthy they are, the standards, the diets they go on etc. and how they are a person and the guy was young (20?) and was like, "well she is hot" lol but he did try which is what counted. I hope Wade is/can be that brave as he continues into recovery.
Yeah, I'm so glad they work different shifts. Thankfully he was honest about it, he called me when he went to lunch, but for me, even though I appreciate the honesty, but all things considered that 'notice' was already too late - it should have been earlier, so I could have let him know that I wouldn't like it. This woman is married with two kids, she is friendly/flirty by nature though,
with everyone. I don't blame her anyway, for any of this, it was his choice to objectify her and make me feel 'less than' when she was around, that's all on him, not her.
I agree, fuck them all, that boys will be boys mentality is what sucks-in decent guys and changes them too, "herd mentality". Wade has been standing up to them and he says he doesn't care if they make fun of him for it, I'm proud of him for that.
Is he in therapy, coaching, etc.? I think you have mentioned before something about the BAE group? Are they getting to the root of the issue? Is he doing self-reflection? Is he changing routines/routes/habits that can help with changing his mindsets? etc.
He did therapy earlier, he was in Coby's coaching group (BAE) and stopped this month because that was a huge letdown and waste of money. Coby dropped the ball a lot and I feel so bad for the guys just starting recovery that are in his group and have no one else. He doesn't check in on them, if Wade didn't do it, they would have gotten completely unnoticed or ignored, even after relapses. Wade, gathered the courage to bring it up at one of the live group's, that Coby should be mentoring and stepping in more because that's what everyone is paying for, so he began checking in once in a blue moon. So, one of the guys relapsed, Coby responded almost a full week later and goes "It's okay, just be like Taylor Swift and shake it off!"... I was like WTF, what kind of response or "mentoring" is that?!
Oh yeah, his entire lifestyle has changed, self-care (routines) is major for him, outlooks on everything have changed, we do so much together, even stuff that used to fall squarely on me. He's genuine, put forth the effort and is remorseful/empathizes. There are days where I'm in a funk and instead of letting me wallow/be lazy, he pushes me to work on my routines - instead of taking advantage or manipulating me/the situation. On this front, there is huge progress and major changes, there are times when I talk to him about our past, I feel like I'm talking to a new man about an ex - it's weird.
Okay, I get that. Given that you used the word mistake (which they are) I do hope Wade is conscious that those were his choices (which also are mistakes at the same time) but just wanted to make sure he was making that distinction for himself.
Yes and that has been one of the biggest, most notable differences between then and now. When he fucks up (mistake/setback - major or minor) he actually feels it, sits in it and even tries to empathize with my side of it, even if it is a day late. His apology is sincere and not the "sorry, here's a flower, let's move on already" kind of crap he used to do.
We are able to sit and talk about the issue, go through it and rationalize it and come up with solutions, together.
No problem, and yes, being the partner in this.... is royal hell. Seriously there are days I just don't want to get out of bed (especially after nightmares about this whole thing) and then there are days I am like "I can do this!" it's a damn crazy roller coaster.
And yes, everything seems to be flying by, he is trying to run already and he is just everywhere and getting into everything it's so hard to keep up haha
It is a trip, the kind of emotional roller coaster I prefer not to ride on, but here we are, ugh.
It is hard to keep up with the kiddos, but no matter what people tell you, it does not get easier when they get older! ugh lol #sorry