JOIN ME guys for 30 days nofap

well, it´s hard, but not impossible, just move forward, don´t think and don´t let my hands go down there! and i do have more energy, and stamina, i do feel more creative and less depressed, and most that anything i value more and more my capacity to say "NO" to myself, to commit, but god! is an every day battle!
I am going to make 90 days and succeed in my first try. and as per me Hard Mode is the only option. other modes were just created for procrastinators.
I'm with you on this...only 2 days and 18 is the farthest I've ever come but this is it. The consequences are too great for me to fall again. One day at a time!
guys, is amazing, i have never felt with so much energy in many years! the depression i had has gone away, i wake up easily 1 hour earlier than i use to, i have been doing the hard mode even though i just committed to no PMO. i could not have imagine the difference it makes, and that is what keeps me from relapsing again. Thank you all for the joined support!
i had a relapse with MO could not stop from doing it since i could,t sleep with sexual thought and desire! so i gave in, but no porn, and i´m happy for that, so i set up a new counter for MO. Really not much upset by it, i did it counciously, and know that this is a gradual process, and will keep on working to be free of MO too.
I failed after about 15 days v.v... M without P , haven't watched P in about a month. So there's something positive here i guess.