Thanks for your replyIt depends on your goals. You should definitely watch out for the chaser effect. Maybe make a separate counter for P and MO? What you ultimately decide is up to how you feel about it and what you think will be the most effective way to keep yourself away from P.
How do you set the counter.?Day 37
NadeI like to participate. I'm at 5 days already now i think. What i do is: i train myself to channel sexual energy through my body when im horny. So i deliberately look at arousing stuff, and i force myself not to masturbate but to keep breathing deeply so i can control my sexual energy. It seems to work. So maybe you guys can try it outgood luck all
I think this is a very good idea. I failed some days ago by MO. It has just happening this one time and I don't feel that sad as I used to do and I beileve it's because I didn't watch porn at all. It feels sooo great without it. Every day without porn is a great day. Keep strong.This is not working for me. I relapsed and binged. I'll try to reach the 90th day setting smaller goals. Now my challenge is 15 days. When is over, I'll add another 15, and so on. And if it doesn't work, I'll get an accountability partner. The funny thing is I feel betther without porn, but my compulsion is still strong. I'll beat it no matter how.
Thanx Shevro! I hope you're doing good.Really a very motivating article! I liked line d most dat " its a pleasure dat starts wid depression nd ends wid depression".
This is not working for me. I relapsed and binged. I'll try to reach the 90th day setting smaller goals. Now my challenge is 15 days. When is over, I'll add another 15, and so on. And if it doesn't work, I'll get an accountability partner. The funny thing is I feel betther without porn, but my compulsion is still strong. I'll beat it no matter how.
Nowadays, when I relapse, it like I miss it, because it's so easy to get a fix. But every time I relapse, I get less pleasure, which is a good sign. To motivate myself, I say I'm doing the 90-day-challenge just to see how I'll feel afterwards, and then, if I still feel like PMO, I'll do it.I'm in a similar spot, having trouble even getting started, so I'm going to aim for lower at first. I'll join you aiming for 15 days to start with, just changed the goal on my counter, & I'll be back to check in soon!