when does everyone want to start the reboot?

  • 21th September

  • 1th October

  • ASAP

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It depends on your goals. You should definitely watch out for the chaser effect. Maybe make a separate counter for P and MO? What you ultimately decide is up to how you feel about it and what you think will be the most effective way to keep yourself away from P.
Thanks for your reply:)
Yes that was a good thing to devide it into two counters. Through this jouney I have made up my mind never to watch P again. I really feel sick everytime I think about the life I had before:( so I am very thankful I found this forum and to share this with others. It really is a question of moral about this MO and I shall go on from now with no P and no MO, but also not feel bad about what happened. I have found that I need to think positive. These days is not waisted and I am still free from P. I will watch out for that chasereffect. And once again, I am so thankful to be a part of this together with all of you in the fight against this plauge. Keep strong!
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Completed 10 days without fapping but watched porn once in these 10 days. Feeling relaxed and comfortable. Progressing slowely but trying very hard to get rid of porn
How's everyone doing?I'm on day 15 or something.I have started to feel more positive. I was watching humorous video last night where someone from the audience said some sexual arousal things.I immediately took control of me.I woke up in the morning and there is a sensation below my belt.I sat alone, quiet.It was getting monotonous so I went to barbar's and got myself a face and head massage.Came home, wore good clothes and called a friend and went out.Just returned.Urges were anyway not gonna beat me.I hope everyone is on it too.No room for failures comrades!
Hiii new fapstonaut i would like to be consulted by some guys who are already member of noFap. Can u tell where i can get started? Like a challenge?
I like to participate. I'm at 5 days already now i think. What i do is: i train myself to channel sexual energy through my body when im horny. So i deliberately look at arousing stuff, and i force myself not to masturbate but to keep breathing deeply so i can control my sexual energy. It seems to work. So maybe you guys can try it out ;) good luck all
This is not working for me. I relapsed and binged. I'll try to reach the 90th day setting smaller goals. Now my challenge is 15 days. When is over, I'll add another 15, and so on. And if it doesn't work, I'll get an accountability partner. The funny thing is I feel betther without porn, but my compulsion is still strong. I'll beat it no matter how.
This is not working for me. I relapsed and binged. I'll try to reach the 90th day setting smaller goals. Now my challenge is 15 days. When is over, I'll add another 15, and so on. And if it doesn't work, I'll get an accountability partner. The funny thing is I feel betther without porn, but my compulsion is still strong. I'll beat it no matter how.
I think this is a very good idea. I failed some days ago by MO. It has just happening this one time and I don't feel that sad as I used to do and I beileve it's because I didn't watch porn at all. It feels sooo great without it. Every day without porn is a great day. Keep strong.
I was scrolling my Facebook when I saw this guy Dan Bilzerian today. He lives so lavishly that I couldn't stop myself going to his timeline. There were nudity and stuff.Couldn't stop myself from watching one of his videos.I didn't touch myself but got really hard and I'm here to confess that I made mistake.These kind of risks can't be taken when you're on a journey for freedom.I have crossed 15 days and intial 10 days were lot more easier because I scrolled without looking any arousal stuff back then.For last couple of days I let myself watch things that can possibly arouse me.I think this confession here will continue to remind me about what is right.It's baseless to watch other people and get pleasure.It's a pleasure which starts with depression and ends with depression.
I can be better than that.We call can be.I hope everyone is doing great.It is very important To track your progress and what could possibly hamper your success.I will let arousing things pass from now on.Not gonna involve me in it.It's as harmful as PMO because it distracts and destroys our focus, concentration and abilities by involving ourselves in temporary pleasure seeking.It gives no motivation but only that low feeling about ourselves. The only way by which we can be happy is by working on ourselves, by ourselves and for ourselves. No matter how slowly we start in this path, we will make it a great deal if we keep walking without stopping and not letting get ourselves distracted by various things which surround us.
I hope I made someone else stronger too.
I have had some days resently that have been difficult to resist the urge to PMO. I am really gld I didn't or I wouldn't be two days from two weeks. I know it is doing something because I have gotten aroused by an article I read and kissing scenes in videos or movies.
This is not working for me. I relapsed and binged. I'll try to reach the 90th day setting smaller goals. Now my challenge is 15 days. When is over, I'll add another 15, and so on. And if it doesn't work, I'll get an accountability partner. The funny thing is I feel betther without porn, but my compulsion is still strong. I'll beat it no matter how.

I'm in a similar spot, having trouble even getting started, so I'm going to aim for lower at first. I'll join you aiming for 15 days to start with, just changed the goal on my counter, & I'll be back to check in soon!
I'm in a similar spot, having trouble even getting started, so I'm going to aim for lower at first. I'll join you aiming for 15 days to start with, just changed the goal on my counter, & I'll be back to check in soon!
Nowadays, when I relapse, it like I miss it, because it's so easy to get a fix. But every time I relapse, I get less pleasure, which is a good sign. To motivate myself, I say I'm doing the 90-day-challenge just to see how I'll feel afterwards, and then, if I still feel like PMO, I'll do it.
After 2 long years of trying to get rid of this addiction by myself, I'm going to join this community to do a 90 day hard mode challenge. If anybody is looking for an accountability partner count me in!
Day 83.
So guys I'm on day 83, i can't believe it because my record was 26 days, but i still having some troubles with my brain you know this is a process step by step, you know i'm still having those dreams, it's so creepy, i don't know until when it stops but i can control when i'm horny making some of push ups. Good Luck guys sigan luchando vamos a sobreponernos de esta adicción.