when does everyone want to start the reboot?

  • 21th September

  • 1th October

  • ASAP

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Stay strong man. This is a problem we all face, and we're doing this together no matter What. I can't imagine how hard going through the loss of a partner may be, but rest assured you can lay that burden on the community. We're all getting stronger together, and that loss may be the motivation you need to get healthy. Now, even though you lost a relationship, it's time to compartmentalize that pain and shove on. Focus on yourself, find your own happiness, and develop a future that you can be comfortable in. YOU ARE NOT ALONE. WE HAVE YOUR BACK.

I really appreciate the support man. Gonna keep on keepin on. My need to be healthy wasn't about her anyway, it was about me. We'll just see how things go as I move along. Just need some time I guess.
Thanks again.
Btw - I love lemonade ;)
Exactly. I haven't played video games in years but recently picked it up again to give me something to fill my free time with. So far it's helped a lot, as with busy days I don't have a lot of free time as it is and I try to squeeze in 30 minutes or so a day to keep me occupied with it.
Can't see which day i'm in, but it went very well yesterday. I had the urge to look at arousing things in the evening, so i did. But i didn't masturbate, i tried to control the energy within. It worked, at times i felt as if i was having an orgasm inside my body, it was incredible. I almost relapsed though, it is still difficult for me sometimes to hold all that energy inside me and not to release it. But it went well. ;)
Im on day 47. Its going well, I know I'll make it to 90 days because theres no way Im ever going back to the way things were before. I actually dont monitor the days as the go by, I just wrote down the date I started and every now and again I'll check in to see where Im at. But its definitely been worth it, I feel physically more energetic, but also I got to see the reasons why I jerked off or looked at porn and that was difficult to face up to. I mean at its core I think we do this stuff because of loneliness. Not loneliness for another person, because even with a girlfriend/wife/boyfriend/husband, you can still feel alone. And what I found is that you're lonely for your connection with yourself, and that doing this thing forces you to create a relationship with who you really are. And when you do that, the urge to jerk off or look at porn or use hookers, goes away. The more connected with yourself you are the less alone you feel, is what Im trying to say and the less alone you feel, the less you use external things/crutches/people, to make you feel not so empty.
Totally wanna do this. I just had a relapse and am in the verge of a mental breakdown for it is making me procrastinate more and more. I totally want to get it out. I have been told that the cold turkey approach will never work so I am a bit worried. Any suggestions?

Thanks for your help
hi all,
iv been trying to fight this addiction for a while now, i was looking around online and found this site. im a first time poster and im starting my 90 day reboot today! im excited to see what type of progress i see. my first goal is to make it 2 weeks then ill keep going from there. i will try and post once a day, or at least check this thread.
Im on day 47. Its going well, I know I'll make it to 90 days because theres no way Im ever going back to the way things were before. I actually dont monitor the days as the go by, I just wrote down the date I started and every now and again I'll check in to see where Im at. But its definitely been worth it, I feel physically more energetic, but also I got to see the reasons why I jerked off or looked at porn and that was difficult to face up to. I mean at its core I think we do this stuff because of loneliness. Not loneliness for another person, because even with a girlfriend/wife/boyfriend/husband, you can still feel alone. And what I found is that you're lonely for your connection with yourself, and that doing this thing forces you to create a relationship with who you really are. And when you do that, the urge to jerk off or look at porn or use hookers, goes away. The more connected with yourself you are the less alone you feel, is what Im trying to say and the less alone you feel, the less you use external things/crutches/people, to make you feel not so empty.

Great progress so far! I know for a fact that the main reason I started doing it and still fight to stop is because of loneliness. If I had someone in my life there would be zero desire to do it. In fact one of the reasons I told myself early on when I started to justify it was I'm only going to do it because I don't have a girlfriend, and would stop when I did. Well turns out I probably never had a girlfriend because of it haha.
Wow, i literally almost came. I did the same things as yesterday, it became very difficult after a while to do nothing while watching stuff. I have to stop doing this for a while. I remember i challenged myself in this thread, that i will break my record of 5 days. So 6 days or above. Im now at day 5 if im not wrong (can't see my counter) so i shouldn't take any risk now!!! It will be hard, but i have to control my sexual energy. Good luck all
Great progress so far! I know for a fact that the main reason I started doing it and still fight to stop is because of loneliness. If I had someone in my life there would be zero desire to do it. In fact one of the reasons I told myself early on when I started to justify it was I'm only going to do it because I don't have a girlfriend, and would stop when I did. Well turns out I probably never had a girlfriend because of it haha.

Man what I'll say to you is this, the reason you find it so difficult is not because of a lack of a girlfriend or anything like that, it's nothing external. I know if you had a girlfriend you might not jerk off or watch porn but then you wouldn't be free, you would be dependent upon her and when that's the case it can be taken away from you on a whim. You wouldn't be the one calling the shots . So you have to do this without a girlfriend, so that you can get the point where you are in control and not dependent on anyone. There's an amazing book by Margaret Paul called Healing your aloneness, and it's about this whole thing. This book was a game changer for me.
Man what I'll say to you is this, the reason you find it so difficult is not because of a lack of a girlfriend or anything like that, it's nothing external. I know if you had a girlfriend you might not jerk off or watch porn but then you wouldn't be free, you would be dependent upon her and when that's the case it can be taken away from you on a whim. You wouldn't be the one calling the shots . So you have to do this without a girlfriend, so that you can get the point where you are in control and not dependent on anyone. There's an amazing book by Margaret Paul called Healing your aloneness, and it's about this whole thing. This book was a game changer for me.

You're probably right because the few times I've had "flings" or even dates I still found myself doing it. It's just in the beginning when I first started I used that as my excuse for doing it, since I wasnt getting that part of fulfillment from a person that was the "alternative" in a sense. During my darkest times, when I did it many times and for hours on end, I weighed a lot more and never left the house except for work. I had zero desire to build a relationship with anyone mostly because I was afraid to. I even told a coworker recently that I'm addicted to being alone, because I would find myself purposely avoiding social situations and found comfort in being alone.

I do know though that as I've gone on streaks and am actively trying to quit I notice girls in a different light and really have a strong desire to talk with them more than I ever have. Part of it is having better confidence but also I now have that desire to build relationships and not be alone.

Thanks for the book recommendation, I will definitely check it out.