I do the podcast thing a lot to. The podcast that actually tend to keep the sex dreams at bay are the Joe Rihanna Experience, The Church of What's Happening Now, Our Big Dumb Mouth, and No Agenda....gotta listen to aggressive conversation as you sleep.The naughty dreams are non stop. The past few days I had been waking up after a few hours and needed to catch up on sleep so I would go back to sleep after waking up. EVERY TIME I woke up I remembered another dream where I was having sex or about to have sex. I have been trying my hardest to just deflect them, but I do get an urge to M afterwards. The last few times I didn't try to remember exactly what was happening and it seemed as if the dreams got more subtle. Instead of outright sex I would have a conversation where the girl elude to us having sex when I went to her house. My mind is trying to keep dream sex in my mind by any means necessary. I have even tried falling asleep with videos and podcasts on to guide my dreams in a different direction with no luck. Well... that's my progress report. Keep sharing everyone and good luck! Y'all got it