Hey guys, I'm just some days clean, but nevertheless I'm glad and proud to report some small improvements:
First of all I have way less sexual thoughts than before.
Then I definitely have become more secure talking to women. Even if they're attractive (and sometimes sending signals to me) I don't think of anything to do with them and... yes, I can say that I haven't fantasized of any girl that I have got to know over the last month. I think my "feeling" of their attractiveness, their "female aspects", has improved. I can feel it but it is not in the groin and I don't get confused by it, I enjoy it.
Tonight (friday night at home) I had some urges half an hour ago. But no pictures on my mind. I just felt horny and also a craving for doing more than just fap - to watch porn.
Sometimes it seem to help when you have "seen it all", bc porn is no novelty for you but mere repetition (o.c. the mind soon tricks itself into taking it for something new and search for "novelty" in the same old shit)
BUT THIS TIME it was not fantasy after fantasy storming my mind and the question "don't want you to see it in real pictures? don't you want the experience (of pmo zombie state)?"
THIS TIME the tempting thought was "don't you want to have some hot mental nude scene" And although I struggled before I pushed that thought away and the thought come back, no image came into my awareness!
Nevertheless the urges are there. In my mind. Suddenly there are all these connection like ... you think 'dog' then 'doggystyle'. You think of just anything and suddenly there's a vague connection to some porn stuff. But there the training comes into force: the next thought is "oh shit, I'm thinking of porn". And that's like a cirle. But the urges want you to leave the circle and go on the p-m-o route.
Thinking so intensively about it makes me want to flee usually. But now I realize I can calm down and continue observing these motions in myself. Naturally I can't find out what exactly happens there inside me. Neverthess I feel calm enough to just listen inside me.
I'm not quite experienced in meditation but I will do it now.
I hope my post was helpful or inspiring or just interesting for you.