when does everyone want to start the reboot?

  • 21th September

  • 1th October

  • ASAP

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2 days.. had many urges till now but somehow resisted.. its going to be hard.. nofap emergency helped a lot during last 2 days.. i m in this challenge
Thanks for advice with counter. Giving this another go now after edging relapse. Difficult getting back on board but hopeful & confident I will get there, thanks for support guys…
ill see what I can do, probably a day or 1 time mastrabating a day
Everyone has its own take on this matter, it's true.
Anyway can I ask you what are you trying to achieve? 1 PMO per day is maybe more than average among people who're trying to completely quit PMO already.. why is your objective so "low"?

I'm trying to quit PMO for good, but I've already quit smoking about 4 years ago.. every previous attempt was a fail because I always told myself "one or two cigarettes a day might be fine, I'm smoking less anyway".. and everytime I kept going back to square one.

You should try to push yourself a little more.. try with a better goal, like 2-3 days without PMO (do not look at P either, or it's all useless), then it will be easier to try with 4-5 days and then even a week! Things will get worse but also better at some point, come on ^^

I'm sorry if I was arsh, and theese are only my 2 cents of course :)
Think of going completely without porn as a blessing rather than a curse. It is powerful, effective and efficient option. Not all addictions can be tackled so reliably. You know this first hand once you get an addiction where cold turkey isn't an option.

Sorry, couldn't resist the pun. It is Thanksgiving afterall.
You're doing ham nfprogress ;)

Happy Thanksgiving to everybody in the New World!

Now begins the rest of everybody's life, as one say and I have high demands on myself for the rest of the year. From Christmas on it will be go smoothly (I hope) cause there not so much to do anymore and I can chillout. So it's actually only 26 hard days from now.
I'll do my very best!!!:mad:

I want to create a special feeling for New Year's Eve

I created kind of a challenge, its: Early Morning Exercise-December - if you want to join in, you'll find it in the Rebooting section.

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hey guys, ive gone totally back to where i started :-( moved back to the uk for a bit an had 3 weeks off work. its been so hard, now starting again
hey guys, ive gone totally back to where i started :-( moved back to the uk for a bit an had 3 weeks off work. its been so hard, now starting again
hey guys, want to check how come I cannot create signature..I clearly fulfilled all the criteria..

much thanks!



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I just searched for "beautiful girls not using porn". Who am I kidding?!!
What do you think?
Even if it's not technically porn, it's something that your brain is asking you to do because he wants you to remember how the good stuff was.. and then relapse. Avoid at all costs.. your brain can be smarter than you :P
Even if it's not technically porn, it's something that your brain is asking you to do because he wants you to remember how the good stuff was.. and then relapse. Avoid at all costs.. your brain can be smarter than you :p
yeah, these days I have no urges for porn but for fantasizing or for pictures of good-looking women. It's difficult to find a equilibrium here, if you don't forbid yourself (sexual) fantasizing generally and intervene immediately when you see a pic that might arouse you. I "propagated" this strict policy but it seems to be too radical for me in the end.
At any rate I know that active searching or watching ANY video when you have women/sex in your mind is a no-go. When I realize I'm doing it, I stop. If I go on and on, I reset my counter.
The critical point is the realization. You have to be honest with yourself and give yourself some time to think. When we look at anything and focus on the figures of women (or whatever you're in to) it's obvious what we're doing.

But the longer I abstain and the more I watch at real women rather than virtual, the better I can enjoy the sensation and then go on (with my daily life).
just checking in :) almost there! I'm going for my 87th day. Can't believe it I've made it this far. A big part of my success is the great posts I find on this forum and the great info on how to best deal with this addiction. Hope you are all doing fine too guys!
The urge is quite strong, but I have to stay strong.

I came to a realisation the other day that if I look at women in real life, isn't it akin to viewing beautiful girls on your computer. Realistically speaking it is impossible to not look at women but its' still visual stimuli the same no?