I am under Porn and Masturbation addiction since 10 years. As a result I have grown weak physically. Even being 24 yrs old male, I dont look like even 18 years old. Girls find me a baby boy, I am very thin and lean.
@john_95 ,
Welcome to NoFap! You are in the right place.
I'm just a regular member on here, so take what I say as my experience. I found that I needed to:
1. Learn the NoFap program.
2. Get involved with the community.
The best resource I found was the “Getting Started with NoFap” guide. It is on the NoFap homepage and you can download it for free from this link
Then, watch this video:
It is really good and explains so much about how the blasting of porn images into the brain in high definition on high speed internet while slamming porn sounds into the ears with headphones can literally change the way your brain demands sexual stimulation.
The video explains it better than I can.
Also, a great page is
https://www.nofap.com/forum/index.php?threads/new-users-list-of-rebooting-resources.50878/ my experience is that by reading every link and watching every video, I learned so much.
Then, I got involved with the community. I'm not anyone special on here, I don't have any magic powers. But, I can say hello to new members, post my journal entries, remember to “like” peoples posts, and offer my experience, strength and hope where appropriate.
Looking forward to seeing you around on the forums,
--> L
PS - I Think of pmo like a wolf. When I stay near the center of the group and stay with the winners, the wolf has a more difficult time finding me. But, if I stop working at NoFap and stray near the edges of the community, then the wolf can pick me off.