so by the title you can see my name is Joseph. I will be updating this thread weekly so you have something to look forward to! I have had a max streak of 32 days. my goal is to rid porn and masturbation from my life. triggers staying up late I am a swimmer so (having a bad meet) pirate bay I will post more if there are once they come to me. current habits at the moment I am working on three main habits and these are: one ice shower in the morning and a hot in the evening reading at least 15 pages a day. meditation daily ( I am using headspace) goals medal at the biggest swim meet of the season (short) make the olympics (long) advanced tuck planche *calisthenics* (short) receive a 70% overall for all terms this year at school (long) correct my handstand form ( medium) current day of streak 1 so I am not sure what else to say. I guess I will leave it at that. I relapsed tonight and lets make it a last time! If anybody has any advice about anything even if it is just life advice for a ambitious teenager like me, please do tell. Do not be afraid to ask questions too.
Those are some BIG goals. That's awesome man. My biggest piece of advice for ambitious people is to ALWAYS KEEP THE FIRE STRONG - There will be times when it gets hard, when people don't agree with what you do, when you'll have to make sacrifices... If you want to achieve your biggest goals, you just have to sit through this and get there. Here are a couple of ways to keep the fire strong. SURROUND yourself with ambitious people who take ACTION - Their spirit will rub off on you. Make sure you are willing to do the same; use their inspiration as fuel and be willing to do the same hard work for yourself to inspire them. Write down your big hairy goal - Whatever is your one most important goal. Write it down, put it in a place where you will see it and review it EVERY SINGLE DAY and you will have your subconscious mind on your side on your way to your goals. When life gets tough, this will be your anchor and your priority; the thing you will sacrifice the other priorities in your life for - that's what it takes to be an Olympian. People who get into the olympics are people who shift their lifestyle in such a way that [their sport] is their life, and they've optimized it to get to that point. If you truly are committed to going up to the top, I suggest you study the routines and habits of the people at the top to get a sense of what YOU have to do to get there. Resources include: google, The Tim Ferriss Show (he interviews top performers on their routines and habits), Tools of Titans (Tim Ferriss's book), The Power of Full Engagement (the book about managing your energy for optimal performance),
Sunday update 19th February 2017: So, it’s that time again! This was an overall pretty good week I didn’t fap and hit a personal best on my bench press and weighted pull-ups. Bench I managed one rep unassisted of 20kgs a side (I am 16 and weigh 57kgs) weighted pull-ups I got 5 reps of 12kg could have gone heavier. On Wednesday I had a bit of a blue day as I found out my friend likes my crush as well so anyway me being the self-conscious prick I am, I said my friend can go for her and I will back down. This is my fourth times doing this for different friends and I am sick of it! I convinced myself I did it because I am a good friend you know “bros before hoes”, but you and I know that’s not true. I did it because I don’t feel worthy of her, I did what I shouldn’t do and put her on a pedestal. This is my last time giving up on a crush because a friend likes her too. Nobody is better than me and I am not better than anyone. They will back down. Anyway, enough about my rant. So far ice showers are going well. They are getting easier and becoming more of a habit now, by that I mean it’s more difficult to not do them than to do them and my breath no longer leaves me like a dementor is giving me the kiss! Reading is also going really well and in case you’re wondering I am reading tools of titans by Tim Ferris. I recommend this book as it has given me a lot of insight and because of it I have my new Sunday thing! I now go practice hypoxic training and my turns in the pool on Sundays with a 15 minutes’ sauna session. (Sunday is my rest day.) I still haven’t got time to meditate and we are now going into tests so I will start after them. That’s all for now, just a vague idea of my week. I had intense urges last night as I went to a party. (Saturday) this girl who was really drunk wanted to hook-up, but I said no of course. It brought some dark thoughts, but I pushed through! Other than that, urges have been minimal. Thought of the week: So I eat healthy during the week a typical bodybuilders diet (just to give you an idea, I do not want to look like a bodybuilder as it would not be beneficial for swimming) and on weekends I eat what I want when I want. What I noticed was that when I eat junk food my skin gets a lot oilier quicker. Like in the week I shower two times and don’t eat junk food. I am normally only “oily” in the morning, but on the weekend, I shower twice and eat junk food. I am “oily” a couple of hours after my morning ice shower. Has anybody else noticed anything like this or know why? I would like to know the science. day 8
thanks for the advice mate, I am willing tp put the work in and have done my research (i checked Micheal Phelps routine and stuff out) i am also currently reading tools of titan! I will definitely check that other book out and write my big fat goal down! another thing I have been considering lately is "toxic" friends, as not many of my friends have my drive to succeed.
I KNOW THAT FEEL (with the toxic friends). Man, environment plays a BIG factor on your subconscious so see if you can slowly ease out of it. find new ones, people who are driven to go to the top! You are doing awesome man, keep being an inspiration
Sunday update 16 February 2017 So, this week is not my best week as I have started slipping. Now by slipping I don’t mean edging I mean I have been lazy this weekend. I did no work except for today, Sunday. It is okay as nofap is a marathon not a sprint. This week I had a biology test which I got a A for and a business test which I made a stupid mistake. I am hoping they will still mark my paper. This brings me to my next point. Messing up in my business test cause some bad urges, but I pushed through them and am now stronger and better than ever! I have two new ‘powers’ I am now at that I don’t care stage in a good way. As proof I went to the cinema this weekend with my friends in pyjamas! Another thing is my voice. It is noticeably deeper. Lastly are my emotions returning. I mean I was watching that swimming show barracuda and almost cried. I had to stop myself and I’ve never been one to cry in a movie. My hair and skin also looks amazing and never been so vibrant! I skipped two swimming practices this week which I am pissed about! One because it was cancelled and the other as I needed to study for business which I messed up in. I had a open water swim this week and well let’s just say it was not very good. I am the fastest in my training club and I came close to last. I have not been preforming well in the pool lately and I am stressing as the biggest meet of the season is in three weeks. This brings me to the thought of the week. Thought of the week Am I over training? I train in the pool nine times a week. Run a 3-5k twice a week and gym 3 times a week, (used to be 5 times a week, but I was told that’s too much) stretch daily and do core 3-4 times a week. I eat around 3500 calories to 4000 and get roughly 6 hours’ sleep (this is bad) I have tried everything to get out of this rut including more training and now less. The only thing I have not tried and what I am about to try is no gym and running only swimming an stretching. I will also meditate as I have more time now and get more sleep! Once the season is done I will get back to gym and running. -day 15