How is it going on for you ?
Honestly, not very well at this time.
After all my posts on NoFap over the past few years, I am feeling like both a failure and a big hypocrite writing here now.
At the moment, I am feeling awfully washed out, disgusted, and depressed after wasting the entire morning.
Again, I am at "0."
I looked over your posts in this thread and found what you wrote on Dec. 16 to be so very true.
Time is a limited quantity, and much of my distress is because of the hours and days I've wasted in PMO.
You said on Feb. 24 that you had spent more that 4 hours watching P the night before.
I've also spent hours on end like that watching and edging to exhaustion.
Is it worth of our time, energy, spirit?
No! And, that is a huge part of the problem.
There are many tasks I must complete and many parts of my life I must develop.
PMO is taking the time I have to work toward those things.
I know that I am not getting any younger, even though my younger urges are still very strong.
It's amazing how I can become engrossed in porn for hours.
I am utterly discouraged to look at the late afternoon hour now and think of what else I could have done with those 3+ hours this morning.
I will never be a "great man" or even be really "successful," but I could become better than this.
If I could only become entranced in the same way by constructive activities, I could accomplish so much more.
To fully concentrate on something intellectual or productive for 3-4 hours straight would be a huge advance.
Time is now my main focus of concern about PMO.
Porn consumes my time and depletes me.
My effort is to move all of the time I spend in porn to worthwhile things.
There are still hours left in this day.
I have a list of projects around the house which should make me feel a little better about myself.
If I finish enough of those, today will not have been a total loss.