Warrior and seeker of TRUTH
Struggling with coming to terms with my life. Moving towards to true acceptance I guess. Still going through some kind of death. It is hard because I am constantly reminded of this life, my life, our life that I invested in. It still scares me how good he was at lying to everyone. I have such a long way to go to be in a place where I will feel more secure.
There is so much to grieve, and on top of it my brain is hijacked by trauma, and my body hurts and is filled with exhaustion. Between trying to still be a present parent to three beautiful, young children, I try and give myself the grace to take it one day at a time as I try and get grounded again and start rebuilding my life, and dreaming new dreams.
When he does anything that reminds me of how he has ignored my voice, and treating me poorly through taking advantage of my trust, this rage rises up in me. I hate how he has destroyed so much of my life. I hate how he has forced me to rewrite my life and I wish he hadn’t let pride get in the way and had been honest years ago (Oh this is defiantly grief. Bartering). I would feel so different if I hadn’t invested so many years in the way that I have.
I don’t like me today. I am angry at myself for not knowing. I have become highly emotional, angry, angry, angry, and I just go out into the world with that half empty feeling. It is no way to live, and I am trying to get out of this funk. It is my responsibility to stand up even though life has pushed me down. My family is worth fighting for, and I have always gone through hard times in life with resilience and hope. Having sex addiction hit my marriage and family has broken me in a way that will forever leave deep scars. I just hope that there is some beauty that can come out of all of this, and I can learn to trust myself again.
I liked this quote: Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards...
There is so much to grieve, and on top of it my brain is hijacked by trauma, and my body hurts and is filled with exhaustion. Between trying to still be a present parent to three beautiful, young children, I try and give myself the grace to take it one day at a time as I try and get grounded again and start rebuilding my life, and dreaming new dreams.
When he does anything that reminds me of how he has ignored my voice, and treating me poorly through taking advantage of my trust, this rage rises up in me. I hate how he has destroyed so much of my life. I hate how he has forced me to rewrite my life and I wish he hadn’t let pride get in the way and had been honest years ago (Oh this is defiantly grief. Bartering). I would feel so different if I hadn’t invested so many years in the way that I have.
I don’t like me today. I am angry at myself for not knowing. I have become highly emotional, angry, angry, angry, and I just go out into the world with that half empty feeling. It is no way to live, and I am trying to get out of this funk. It is my responsibility to stand up even though life has pushed me down. My family is worth fighting for, and I have always gone through hard times in life with resilience and hope. Having sex addiction hit my marriage and family has broken me in a way that will forever leave deep scars. I just hope that there is some beauty that can come out of all of this, and I can learn to trust myself again.
I liked this quote: Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards...