Juice WRLD Dies and People on Facebook Think it's Funny


I was shocked when I heard the news and even more shocked people were pressing the laughing reaction on Facebook. I don't get it. I'm not a massive fan of his but thought some of his songs were pretty good. Still even if I hated every song of his I wouldn't laugh at his death.

Sometimes I just hate the laughing reaction. It can be fun when someone posts something that's meant to be funny but I hate it when it's used to mock people. But this is even worse.
Let's hope Billie Eilish is next. lol
Not really funny. She's a human like us all. Yeah, you may not like her, but does she wishes you death?

I mean, things happen. What I don't like about death of celebrities is that it attaches people that talk fake shit, most likely edgy teens that make up depression because of someones death and all that. Not saying it's always a lie, but sometimes it's cringe to watch how someone cries on youtube just to get views and attention. Cmon kids, stop it. Death ain't no joke, death ain't fun, but that's not a reason for you to get fake, make up yourself a diagnose and just be edgy. But yeah, teens. I'm also a teen and to whom I'm telling this... Just the way it is and will be. Anyways, I don't feel nothing about it. Honestly, people die every day. If we are so sensetive why we wouldn't cry for some kids dying in ghettos, in countries where there's war going on? Not that all lives are not equal, it's just that it's stupid. As soon as someone is more famous, he becomes more than human. Cmon, he's not. He's like us, just more people know him and his shit stinks less than ours, that's all. Peace.
Not really funny. She's a human like us all. Yeah, you may not like her, but does she wishes you death?
Hey man she's in the public eye. If she doesn't want criticism then maybe she shouldn't make music but beyond all that I wonder how many teenage girls are depressed, and cut their wrists because of her music?

Maybe mean girl attitude is cool, but her music still sucks. And I mean it really does
Hey man she's in the public eye. If she doesn't want criticism then maybe she shouldn't make music but beyond all that I wonder how many teenage girls are depressed, and cut their wrists because of her music?

Maybe mean girl attitude is cool, but her music still sucks. And I mean it really does
I mean, yeah, music's crap and all, but that doesn't mean they don't have parents. If someones mother smokes crack and doesnt give a shit about her kid it doesnt quite mean that Billie Ellish did it to her daughter, right? You can put out a lots of crap. Only thing is that it actually stinks, but it doesnt kill you. It's parents that don't watch their kids mixed with teens who are just immature and get lost real quick. I also love old school hip hop, buddy. I love good old Biggie, Pac, Big L, Big Pun, Eminem that used to be funny to listen, NWA, a lots of dudes, but it's just the way it is, pal. As Mike Patton said "The further music is from people the healthier it is for the music" Simple.
Humanity is pathetic, at least some part of it certainly is. Also, internet helps with this too. Don't sweat it though, nothing's changing by these fools pressing haha on someone's death. I only hope, nobody does it to them when it's their time to depart from this world.
I mean, yeah, music's crap and all, but that doesn't mean they don't have parents. If someones mother smokes crack and doesnt give a shit about her kid it doesnt quite mean that Billie Ellish did it to her daughter, right? You can put out a lots of crap. Only thing is that it actually stinks, but it doesnt kill you. It's parents that don't watch their kids mixed with teens who are just immature and get lost real quick. I also love old school hip hop, buddy. I love good old Biggie, Pac, Big L, Big Pun, Eminem that used to be funny to listen, NWA, a lots of dudes, but it's just the way it is, pal. As Mike Patton said "The further music is from people the healthier it is for the music" Simple.

Music can most certainly influence your mood. And while parents are to blame for crappy parenting, if there wasn't a market for crappy music it wouldn't sell. Thus they wouldn't make it, It's almost like garbage in garbage out. What do you expect when you make that kind of music? Positive reviews, & viewpoints? She sings about death. But nobody can wish death on her? Like I said, give me a break

I will agree that music today has gone so far down hill I don't know if t will ever recover.
Music can most certainly influence your mood. And while parents are to blame for crappy parenting, if there wasn't a market for crappy music it wouldn't sell. Thus they wouldn't make it, It's almost like garbage in garbage out. What do you expect when you make that kind of music? Positive reviews, & viewpoints? She sings about death. But nobody can wish death on her? Like I said, give me a break

I will agree that music today has gone so far down hill I don't know if t will ever recover.
Metallica used to sing a lot about death. Kids just had fun in their rooms most likely. But yeah, it's a combo of shitty parrents and shittier influencers (God, I hate that word, since it has lost it's value). But it's just my beliefs that wishing death on someone is not right. I mean, I wish that all these mainstream musicians (musicians, haha, jokes all day :D ) would just stop making music, that's all. We need some 80s shit (just kidding, I'm a boomer who likes to talk crap). But to be honest, music has lost its soul. Same as the world has. Dead world wouldnt sing about feelings from heart. It's just shitty where we are, but I hate this disscussion cause it keeps me away from seeing positive. Fuck you, dude :D Thanks for ruining my day, have a nice day :D
Also, internet helps with this too.

Yeah, I've been listening to some podcasts about how social media and the internet effects how we talk to each online. One was about how people say uncivil things because we don't hear the tone of voice or facial expressions. Another was saying that social media makes us feel we have to put on a show for our audience and the show never stops because the internet never stops.

My hairdresser is a nice lady but we disagree on some things. She's a rather conservative Christian and she was telling me something connected to her faith. I disagreed with what she was saying but I listened to her and respected her opinion. But when I left her studio and walked home I was thinking about the conversation we had and what it would have been like if it had been online. I probably wouldn't have read everything she had to say and then I have mocked her or told she was stupid. But I didn't even think of saying that because I was actually having a conversation with her and could hear her actual voice and see her facial expressions.

Having said that I was listening to a Psychologist being interviewed and she said most people have a sadistic side to them. Usually it's very mild like enjoying it when fans of a rival team are sad because their team lost but for some it's taking great delight in the real suffering of people. Someone like that might be a real psychopath.
Metallica used to sing a lot about death. Kids just had fun in their rooms most likely. But yeah, it's a combo of shitty parrents and shittier influencers (God, I hate that word, since it has lost it's value). But it's just my beliefs that wishing death on someone is not right. I mean, I wish that all these mainstream musicians (musicians, haha, jokes all day :D ) would just stop making music, that's all. We need some 80s shit (just kidding, I'm a boomer who likes to talk crap). But to be honest, music has lost its soul. Same as the world has. Dead world wouldnt sing about feelings from heart. It's just shitty where we are, but I hate this disscussion cause it keeps me away from seeing positive. Fuck you, dude :D Thanks for ruining my day, have a nice day :D

Fair enough guy. And I think if you make music condoning death, suicide, drug use, Satan worship etc.. you shouldn't really be surprised if somebody wishes the negative on you. Why? That's the world you promote with your music so...

Yeah. Anyways, Nice weather we are having. Hope you and yours is good :D

By the way, if Billie Eilish wants to hire a guitar player like Kirk Hammett in my opinion, she can sing about death all she wants. At least it will be actual music, lol
Well, Eminem had death threats for saying truth or just lifting some sensetive topics. We all have our reasons.
Memes like this I laugh at to be fair, but I don’t laugh at the actual deaths themselves.

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(although RIP Dimebag 15 years ago today)
Oh crap, didn't know. I mean I know his dead and all, but forgot about he died yesterday. That's another excuse to listen to some loud music in the morning, but since I'm not into mood for heavy stuff, I'm about to listen to his favorite - Van Halen.