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Hi, I'm Troy, my friends always call me that name. I'm from Indonesia and I'm ready to change and stop. Currently, i'm always find exciting when i watch BDSM Porn. I always get the excitement when i'm thinking that if i can slip on some latex catsuit and being tortured or humiliated, and imagine how would it feel. Because of that, i always sneek out and open the browser on my phone to seek some BDSM Video online and watch it, masturbate and repeat. It has been almost 2 Years for doing this. Now, i just realized, I NEED HELP, I NEDD TO STOP THIS CYCLE, BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE! I hope everyone can help me to break this habits and get my life back. I always feel ashamed for what i did and it is affecting my daily life, but i always did it again and again. I'm a Fresh Graduate and currently looking for a job. My last job interview, the interviewer said i'm lack of energy and ambition. Please help me..