Just an Intro.. hope you guys can help me


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Hi, I'm Troy, my friends always call me that name. I'm from Indonesia and I'm ready to change and stop. Currently, i'm always find exciting when i watch BDSM Porn. I always get the excitement when i'm thinking that if i can slip on some latex catsuit and being tortured or humiliated, and imagine how would it feel. Because of that, i always sneek out and open the browser on my phone to seek some BDSM Video online and watch it, masturbate and repeat. It has been almost 2 Years for doing this. Now, i just realized, I NEED HELP, I NEDD TO STOP THIS CYCLE, BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE! I hope everyone can help me to break this habits and get my life back. I always feel ashamed for what i did and it is affecting my daily life, but i always did it again and again. I'm a Fresh Graduate and currently looking for a job. My last job interview, the interviewer said i'm lack of energy and ambition. Please help me..
Glad you are here Troy Indo. "Lack of energy and ambition"! That describes it well for me when I am PMing. Onward to the triumph of sobriety. :)
Glad you are here Troy Indo. "Lack of energy and ambition"! That describes it well for me when I am PMing. Onward to the triumph of sobriety. :)

Thanks for the support :) i'm looking forward for your help..