
New Fapstronaut
Hey everyone!

I’m new here. Basically, I realized that all of my problems stem from a lack of discipline.

At first I thought, “If I just fix my sleep schedule, everything will be fine,” but I find that I’m struggling to make myself go to bed at a reasonable time. Then of course, it’ll be exponentially more difficult to wake up when I’d like to because I’ll have to settle for an inadequate amount of sleep. That breaks you down over the course of the semester (I’m a college student), so it’s not sustainable. I have to make myself go to sleep earlier, but I feel like I just can’t.

Then I got to thinking about other areas of my life where I regularly give in to irrational impulse. I thought about my diet. I eat a lot of fast food. I’m slim and overall in good health (I’m assuming because my calorie intake is fairly low). I suppose many overweight people struggle with a lack of discipline when they eat an excessive amount of food, but I’m just physically incapable of that. I’ll get full and throw away half a burger lol So I’ve been pretty lucky in that regard, but I could improve my diet.

What else? Ah! Masturbation! Surely, I could abstain if I wanted to! “Let me give it a try!” It’s been 3 days of me trying and failing, and I decided I need to get serious. I’m looking at so many different ways of improving my life, and if only for the virtue of discipline, I need to do this. If I can deny myself a free dopamine rush, then I’m truly in control of myself. Therefore, before I can do anything else, I must successfully fapstain. #Fapstinence

I’d also like to note, for context, that I’ve masturbated once a day nearly every day for the past 9 years. I have enough self control to abstain when I’m sharing a hotel room with people or when I’m sleeping over at someone’s house, so there is hope LOL Additionally, it might be useful to know bout my personality. I’m a pretty relaxed person. I’m curious to see if my mood will be affected by NoFap, but I don’t think it will. I’ve always been somewhat of a stoic even as a little kid. I’m also a cautiously optimistic person, and I’m generally happy. I have high self esteem. I genuinely love myself. I’ve always had a lot of good energy going on. Also, just for fun, I’m politically libertarian-ish in the American sense, hahaha.

I’m looking forward to this, and I hope I can make meaningful contributions to these forums.

Thanks for reading!
Hey everyone!

I’m new here. Basically, I realized that all of my problems stem from a lack of discipline.

At first I thought, “If I just fix my sleep schedule, everything will be fine,” but I find that I’m struggling to make myself go to bed at a reasonable time. Then of course, it’ll be exponentially more difficult to wake up when I’d like to because I’ll have to settle for an inadequate amount of sleep. That breaks you down over the course of the semester (I’m a college student), so it’s not sustainable. I have to make myself go to sleep earlier, but I feel like I just can’t.

Then I got to thinking about other areas of my life where I regularly give in to irrational impulse. I thought about my diet. I eat a lot of fast food. I’m slim and overall in good health (I’m assuming because my calorie intake is fairly low). I suppose many overweight people struggle with a lack of discipline when they eat an excessive amount of food, but I’m just physically incapable of that. I’ll get full and throw away half a burger lol So I’ve been pretty lucky in that regard, but I could improve my diet.

What else? Ah! Masturbation! Surely, I could abstain if I wanted to! “Let me give it a try!” It’s been 3 days of me trying and failing, and I decided I need to get serious. I’m looking at so many different ways of improving my life, and if only for the virtue of discipline, I need to do this. If I can deny myself a free dopamine rush, then I’m truly in control of myself. Therefore, before I can do anything else, I must successfully fapstain. #Fapstinence

I’d also like to note, for context, that I’ve masturbated once a day nearly every day for the past 9 years. I have enough self control to abstain when I’m sharing a hotel room with people or when I’m sleeping over at someone’s house, so there is hope LOL Additionally, it might be useful to know bout my personality. I’m a pretty relaxed person. I’m curious to see if my mood will be affected by NoFap, but I don’t think it will. I’ve always been somewhat of a stoic even as a little kid. I’m also a cautiously optimistic person, and I’m generally happy. I have high self esteem. I genuinely love myself. I’ve always had a lot of good energy going on. Also, just for fun, I’m politically libertarian-ish in the American sense, hahaha.

I’m looking forward to this, and I hope I can make meaningful contributions to these forums.

Thanks for reading!
Hi. Welcome to forum! You are libertarian, huh? Right win or left wing libertarian?

Anyways, make sure you create a personal journal thread in Reboot Logs section and blog there on a regular basis. As well as just generally be active participant in various forum discussions. I recommend this to everybody new here because it's the major thing that helped me when I was first starting. Just lurking on forums, reading and learning is great. But it usually is so much more powerful to engage. It helps to keep us motivated and accountable when we are active part of community. And keeps this in front of our minds so we don't forget about importance of it and slip away in our old habits. Sharing is also therapeutic. This is a major reason why AA meetings work so good. But that was developed before internet era. These days we can get most of the same benefits online through communities like this. So don't underestimate the power of active participation.

I would also like to suggest you to look into mindfulness meditation. It has helped me personally tremendously to learn how to deal with urges and triggers. It takes a while to get good at it and notice results, so you need to be consistent with it, but once you do it's very powerful. It has been used by sages for thousands of years to deal with various issues of the mind. And in recent decades the science is also catching up to what ancient sages have know for centuries. Meditation these days are widely used as very effective tool by psychologists for treating addiction and by neurologists for supporting recovery of the brain. It is a great exercise for the brain the same way as jogging is great exercise for the body. Check out this Ted talk, it gives a good idea of what's it about when it comes to philosophy. As far as practical side of it there is this awesome smartphone app called Headspace for guided meditations to get you started.

Wish you lot's of strength and success in your reboot journey!
Praise God. Wish you the best. There are many thing you can do to build self discipline. The one that helped me get out of a rut was to make my bed every single day as soon as I get up. It is a small step but it has so many benefits. Now it us just routine. It might help you. Also, concerning your diet... you might want to think about planning some meals ahead of time. Get a snack box and take it around with you so that when you feel that urge for something you always have healthy options on hand. I literally invested in one yesterday https://www.amazon.ca/s/?ie=UTF8&ke...argid=kwd-301669245581&ref=pd_sl_67lze5j2fd_e That way I don't end up spending foolishly on junk food when I am on the road and feeling for something. Right now I have mine filled with pumpkin seeds and Goji berries... cant get more healthy than that... and they fill that urge for either salty or sweet. Personally I have struggled a lot in this area as well, so don't feel you are alone. Recently Ive realised that once I actually start eating more healthy... especially cutting sugar... that I don't crave junk food as much. The parasites and yeast in your gut can literally MAKE you crave these foods. Drinking water with a tea spoon of naturally fermented and raw apple cider vinegar has helped me a lot. But that can make you loose weight also so you might want to try other things. Lots of youtube videos out there on healthy eating. All the best in your journey. Let me know how you are getting alone. Jesus loves you man.
Read Homer's odyssey "sirens" story then you will understand how good Self discipline was.