I'm a 17 year old straight guy, and I am lonely, but I have moderate autism. I'm on day 28 of reboot, and so far the reboot has not improved my social interactions with girls at all although I feel I am more social, and I definitely put a lot more effort and attention into social interactions now. I'm smart, and pretty good looking, but I lack common sense, and have no social skills to speak of whatsoever, and no matter how hard I try to learn them I can't pick up the finer details. Therefore I miss body language cues and find it hard or impossible to pick up on people's emotions, and find it hard to understand why people don't understand my own. I have weird posture(s) and I move like a robot, very jerkily, and sometimes stare for lengths of time that are considered strange. Additionally, I get bullied(I know what real bullying is like, this is the real deal, don't condescend) on a regular basis not only by my family but by kids at school, or just plain ignored, because I can't get social cues. I also get bullied by women who dislike me because I find it hard to empathize(because I can't understand their emotions) with others, because they see me as less than human or unworthy because empathy is a basic trait of humanity, and women care greatly about humanity and empathy. I'm practically one step up above a living robot. I am very kindhearted, and always being social, but no one responds to my gestures of friendship or kindness. Therefore I spend all my time studying mathematics and physics because it's the only thing that doesn't lie to me and isn't deceptive, the only thing that gives me peace. I want a girlfriend, someone I can talk to, but it's practically an impossible task. Please advise! I need help!