Low sex drive - will reboot help?


Hi guys, I'm new to nofap thing & I'll keep it brief here. I'm watching porn since 17 years now, there's an onset of ED & low sex drive for last 1.5 years & it gradually worsening. Today i feel absolutely low libido even without masturbating for couple of days. Now my only aim is to get my sex drive back. Is it possible with rebooting or any other therapy. Please help guys.?

Also i want to know how can i rule out any physiological reason such as hormone imbalances or deficiency.
Hi guys, I'm new to NoFap thing & I'll keep it brief here. I'm watching porn since 17 years now, there's an onset of ED & low sex drive for last 1.5 years & it gradually worsening. Today i feel absolutely low libido even without masturbating for couple of days. Now my only aim is to get my sex drive back. Is it possible with rebooting or any other therapy. Please help guys.?

Also i want to know how can i rule out any physiological reason such as hormone imbalances or deficiency.

It's all apart of the process my man.It's like when Alcoholics don't get their alcohol and crack addicts don't get their crack,their body negativity reacts to it.But gradually overtime their body and brain gets used to not having it in their system and it doesn't crave it anymore and they get better.Your problem is called Over stimulation.You have watched so much porn that it doesn't even turn you on anymore.You're doing the right thing by doing NOFAP and please keep it going so you can fully reboot.

There's nothing wrong with you psychologically,you're just addicted to porn like all of us are.I'm on Day 39 and my morning erections are starting to return and that's a sign of hope for me.It's a slow process but that it gets better Day by day.Go to a website called YourBrainOnPorn.Com.It will give you all the info you need.Good luck to you on your journey!
I see many people here are to quit porn & to live a normal non addictive life but they are not having low libido problems rather they are hyperactive.
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Lacking the drive, its so dull.

About to start rebooting with orgasm once in 10 days, just ejaculation in 30 seconds without mental stimulation. This is coz I get a slight fever if i don't release it for long. But yes i'll abstain from edging at all. That's the most important thing in rebooting i guess.
Hoping for the same as you but also want to get strong erections back. Have had a couple of episodes of orgasm without a real erection when in a couple of situations. Have sex drive but fantasies have led to orgasms without erections.
@ control7, Well after reading many reviews i've reached a conclusion that only hard reboot is the thing to go for. If something is happening on its own, like nightfall, let it happen but you must not fantasize & must refrain from edging at all for 90 days. There you begin to feel the rejuvenation after a month or so. I don't have any personal experience so far but just read many reviews in last few days & people are really emphasizing 'no edging' at all, so soon i'm gonna go this way.
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@ control7, Well after reading many reviews i've reached a conclusion that only hard reboot is the thing to go for. If something is happening on its own, like nightfall, let it happen but you must not fantasize & must refrain from edging at all for 90 days. There you begin to feel the rejuvenation after a month or so. I don't have any personal experience so far but just read many reviews in last few days & people are really emphasizing 'no edging' at all, so soon i'm gonna go this way.
Can't do a complete hard reboot since I am married but so far I have avoided porn and masturbating. Have some problem with controlling some kinky fantasy thoughts. Used to get rock hard just seeing a girl in a short skirt. Not anymore.
Hi guys, I'm new to nofap thing & I'll keep it brief here. I'm watching porn since 17 years now, there's an onset of ED & low sex drive for last 1.5 years & it gradually worsening. Today i feel absolutely low libido even without masturbating for couple of days. Now my only aim is to get my sex drive back. Is it possible with rebooting or any other therapy. Please help guys.?

Also i want to know how can i rule out any physiological reason such as hormone imbalances or deficiency.