Mandalorian Challenge 100 Days + [OPEN]

So you want to be a Mandalorian?

  • “This is the Way”

    Votes: 150 98.7%
  • “Hell no, paint a target on my back?”

    Votes: 2 1.3%

  • Total voters
Day 55
My academic side is not going strong. It used to happen all the time over the years and I would drop everything that I was doing (like working out, drawing) and I would put my whole to studying. But now I realized that it's not normal at all. I'm already going to school for 8 hours everyday and when I come home and study I'm going to school more. I just can't stand it anymore, if you can please let me know how you are doing it.

Although I'm running low academically I'm not dropping all of the good habits that I've developed. I'm happy about that. This motivation and discipline didn't fade out and I'm grateful for that. [Didn't have the time to check up on my urges lately]
Day 37.
God, I drank so much on carnival festivitys this weekend. I feel like somebody is trying to remove my brain with a spoon.

But Ththis is is like my longest streak ever. The energy spikes seem to lie dormant and everything has calmed down for now.
Glad your stabilizing... prepare for battle, just in case some urges come unexpectedly. Sorry to hear you overdrank.. happy to say I have never done that.. avoiding people that live that way makes it easier to keep from getting drunk. I’m not saying I’m better than anyone else, but appreciative of principles I’ve been taught.

Day 7 (17 personal) Struggling with some urges, but have held strong so far!
If you want any tips, I posted a “NoFap survival guide that can really hel
Day 55
My academic side is not going strong. It used to happen all the time over the years and I would drop everything that I was doing (like working out, drawing) and I would put my whole to studying. But now I realized that it's not normal at all. I'm already going to school for 8 hours everyday and when I come home and study I'm going to school more. I just can't stand it anymore, if you can please let me know how you are doing it.

Although I'm running low academically I'm not dropping all of the good habits that I've developed. I'm happy about that. This motivation and discipline didn't fade out and I'm grateful for that. [Didn't have the time to check up on my urges lately]
I assume your talking to me.. I don’t do it easily.. like every other human I struggle with remaining focused, keeping a positive attitude toward learning/studying and honestly my family gets in the way a lot.. I try to strike a balance. My son is so young and I try to remember that although I’m going to school to help improve his life - spiritually and financially.. that he really needs me to spend time with him most of all.

But to answer you... I looked up many YouTube videos when I had trouble being productive so I could change that habit. Here’s what helped.

-rearrange your home/room so that it’s all geared to get the school done.
-keep it clean, a messy room wreaks havoc on your brain, clean room clear mind
- print out calendars you can touch and put them either on the wall you can see when you leave the room or on your door when you enter. So you can plan, have set goals on there and more than one month so you can see where you want to be.
- Don’t eat junk food just because your trying to “save time” it will affect us for the worst.. seriously it’s not worth it!
-have sticky notes nearby and before bed, write 2 things you must do, 1 thing you WANT to do tomorrow. This is a goal system each day that boosts productivity and leaves your mind free of having to make those decisions each morning.
- put a motivational picture or reward on your wall.. reminding yourself why you must get that studying done and why it’s important.. you can even choose a healthy reward of something you want to get yourself when you complete your goals.
-get plenty of sleep.. this is major. I don’t know your age but you probably already have learned it really is hard to do anything when you feel terrible.
-take breaks every hour or 45 mins. Jump up and down, run around the house... these help a lot
-keep healthy snacks in the room
- get comfortable... study where you feel good but if you feel yourself falling asleep, rearrange it so you can stand or sit in a different position.
-Put your phone in another room.. on silent mode.. nothing’s so important that it must be attended to right away it’s a distraction.
-wake up early.. this may mean you have to go to bed early.. I wake up like clockwork now at 6am.. yes it’s still dark. I get WAY more done in the morning.
-don’t eat right away, try to do a little work while your brain is fresh from not processing foods, eat 1 hour after you wake instead. I even skip water until that hour. I feel 100% in the mornings (but I also don’t drink coffee or any stimulant)
-if you need a replacement for the coffee when you do drink, go for fresh sliced ginger and lemon tea.. i usually do that or Fire-Cidar (it really gives your system a health natural boost, more details if interested)

If I’m not feeling it... I take a break, say a prayer and just keep my eyes closed for a little and do breathing exercises.. if it doesn’t work I acknowledge that some days I just need something else. On the other hand if I feel my mind is avoiding the hard work, I force it to do a little, telling myself that a little more and then it can rest... if you can run...walk..crawl.. twitch :) at least get some movement in the studying field.

A lot of these things can be adapted to NoFap or also help with it.

Controlling your surroundings is more important than trying to control your self discipline..give yourself the edge so the other will follow

This is the way
Glad to hear that Res! I’m curious about the benefits of cold showers. I’m going to research it. I know the obvious benefit for NoFap but I want to know health/psych benefits.

I live somewhere with stone walls and tile floors..aka a refrigerator in the winter... no heat... and I only did the cold showers in the other months.. maybe it’s fine to re-aclimate myself... constant changing of habits seems to help when creating new ones

Day 74 *Head Nod... snipes enemy sneaking up on Holleyman*
I read there are many health benefits of cold showers including increased immunity. I don't know whether these claims have been proven scientifically. For me, the most important benefit is an increase in willpower. Before I can take a cold shower, I debate for about 3 minutes asking myself why I am doing this. Then I gather the courage and go all in. After 30 seconds or so I wonder what all the fuss was all about...hehe. I use the Wim Hof technique of deep breathing while taking the shower.
Day 8

So I didn't manage to wake up at 4.30 am as I had planned but woke up at 5.15 am instead. This means that I will simply adjust the challenge to waking up at 5.15 am instead. I just realized I was making an insane change in my body clock. I usually wake up at 7 am. But it's a good challenge anyway.

Cold Shower Challenge: Day 6 of 30
Waking up at 5.15 am: Day 1 of 4
NO YouTube Challenge: Day 1 of 10
Day 75
Well done all! Today was murder on my studies... I mean I got zero done.. but my family really needed me so I am proud I was able to take care of them. I try to be Superman when I should look at the situation in a balanced, positive way.

Excited to see everyone here kicking PMO butt and turning in bounty’s.

For the Foundlings!
I read there are many health benefits of cold showers including increased immunity. I don't know whether these claims have been proven scientifically. For me, the most important benefit is an increase in willpower. Before I can take a cold shower, I debate for about 3 minutes asking myself why I am doing this. Then I gather the courage and go all in. After 30 seconds or so I wonder what all the fuss was all about...hehe. I use the Wim Hof technique of deep breathing while taking the shower.
I watched a couple of videos with him in it.. this is one of the few times I wish I had some money.. it would be cool to go train with him and learn some things. Oh well, one day when the world is different I’ll get the chance to meet him.. I like that he’s humble, and says “what I do anyone can do.” Thats real class!

Once again my relapse prevention plan saved me! At the peak of my urges and with that voice of my porn brain telling me to type the address of one of my former favorite porn sites getting louder, I set my stopwatch to count down 30 minutes. I then did deep breathing for what seemed like 3 minutes. I prayed to God to give me the strength to beat the lust in my body. The urges were really strong. After that, I started reading a book called The Presence Process. After the 30 minutes had elapsed, the urges were non-existent which is quite funny. As long as I can delay the decision to relapse, it seems the urges will naturally just die a natural death. I will keep rehearsing my relapse plan since I can't rely on will power which is quite unreliable. To improve my relapse prevention plan I need to ask myself what emotion or set of emotions am I trying to escape from? Are the urges the natural kind or are there underlying toxic emotions that I unconsciously want to run away from instead of facing them head-on? I need to include awareness of my emotions in my plan.

Cold Shower Challenge: Day 7 of 30
Waking up at 5.15 am: failed! starting again Day 0 of 4
NO YouTube Challenge: failed! starting again Day 0 of 10
I watched a couple of videos with him in it.. this is one of the few times I wish I had some money.. it would be cool to go train with him and learn some things. Oh well, one day when the world is different I’ll get the chance to meet him.. I like that he’s humble, and says “what I do anyone can do.” Thats real class!
I like Wim Hof too! He is very generous with what he has learnt with a lot of it being freely available. I one day hope to transition to cold therapy and see whether all the hype is real!
Day 39 is over. Libido, sexual thoughts, urges are still totally dormant.
I feel like that I could tap into them if I choose to do so, l can almost see when I'm on the verge of doing so.
But all is good as it is. My sexuality is resting, healing and that is a good feeling.
What I find interesting is that almost all my interest in "special" sexual stuff is gone for now.
Ok... well I have been escalating to femdom scat out of nowhere during last year, so maybe that's not such a big surprise after all ;)

I've got business lunch today, but tomorrow I can finally start to go on a diet.
[QUOTE = "Wolfyoufeed, publicación: 2369701, miembro: 373164"]

“Cuando uno elige caminar por el Camino del Mandalore, ambos son cazadores y presas. ¿Cómo se puede ser cobarde si se elige esta forma de vida? Armero Mandloriano

Principios : Hardmode NoFap ... Sin bordes ... sin PMO ...

El sexo con tu pareja es honorable y permitido. Aparte de eso ... Si accidentalmente ves algo ... pero luchas contra él, y te abstienes de mirarlo y dejas que los impulsos se alejen de ti ... el tuyo aún dentro, la vida tiene una forma de tirarlos. Pero evite todo lo posible, significa su vida.

No estamos solos, nuestra fuerza radica en números, cuando un miembro está en necesidad, escuchamos la llamada y luchamos a su lado. "Esta es la forma."

Over time, you will receive Badges in the form of Armor, in the ancient Mandalorian tradition. This armour and upgrades will strengthen you from future battles and distinguish you from your brothers. It also identifies you as a Mandalorian. I will add in upgrades as people near the final stages.

You start from Day 0... I’ll meet you on the battlefield. I’m in this too

Day 0 Potential

Day 7 Spirited Potential

Day 15 Foundling & Basic Armor

Day 30 Don the Helmet.. your a Mandalorian now.. lose the helmet or take it off and you leave us forever... THIS IS THE WAY

Day 40 Wrist Mounted Grapple Hook & Gauntlets

Day 50 Flame-Thrower & Armored Boots

Day 60 Heads-Up-Display & Greaves

Day 70 Jet Pack & Advanced Breastplate

Day 80 Wrist mounted Rocket Launcher

Day 90 Battle Hardened & Your Ensignia Arises... this is the personal mark of a Mandalorian, usually based off of the strongest enemy he has defeated.

Day 100 War Paint - Choose your color scheme

Day 365 : Legendary & Cloaking Device

Additional Thoughts
(these are not mandatory :

Know your triggers and avoid them, Common food triggers : Drugs, Alcohol, Sugar, high carb diet (lots of breads)... even dairy...

Otros factores desencadenantes: Fetiches, sección de revistas de la tienda de comestibles ... películas, espectáculos, vallas publicitarias ... música ... lo que sea ... Infierno, vivimos un mundo egoísta lleno de sexo. Pero no tenemos que ser esclavos de ello. Nos elevamos por encima.

"¡Esta es la forma!"



Llega al día 7 para alistarte en la lista

Potenciales enérgicos (7 días o más)

[USUARIO = 351816] @ hubbawulf1234 [/ USUARIO]
[USUARIO = 379788] @ Anakin66 [/ USUARIO]
[USUARIO = 320145] @Gonarth [/ USUARIO]
[USUARIO = 314222] @Kratos_GOW [/ USUARIO]
[USUARIO = 351579] @pimp [/ USUARIO]

Fundición y armadura básica:

[USUARIO = 250537] @Pokeballhard [/ USER]
[USUARIO = 205996] @Meep [/ USUARIO]

Mandaloriano y Casco

[USUARIO = 269633] @Mescalito [/ USUARIO]

Gancho y guanteletes de garra montados en la muñeca

[USUARIO = 114168] @hollyman [/ USUARIO]

Lanzallamas y botas blindadas

[USUARIO = 369656] @ l'embellie [/ USUARIO]

Heads-Up-Display y Grebas

[USUARIO = 373164] @Wolfyoufeed [/ USUARIO]

Jet Pack y coraza avanzada
Lanzacohetes montado en la muñeca
Etc ....
[/ CITA]
Me quiero unir,voy a llegar a los 365 días sí o sí
[QUOTE = "Wolfyoufeed, publicación: 2377689, miembro: 373164"] Día 6 * reparte bastones *

¿Entrenando a alguien? [/ CITA]
A mi,soy nuevo en la comunidad,y nuevo en este reto
I'm sorry for the late response, i was strandet on a unknown planet. Now that i have radio contact again I can officially state that I'm on day 48 of this challange. pimp out
*presents helmet, and upgrades armor*

You have proven your worthy to take the helmet. This is not something to accept lightly.. you will be both hunter and prey.
If you accept the helmet you are a Mandalorian through and through, if you take it off or it’s taken from you... you must leave this challenge. Some choose to stay without the helmet or Mando title. The choice is yours... This is the way

Once again my relapse prevention plan saved me! At the peak of my urges and with that voice of my porn brain telling me to type the address of one of my former favorite porn sites getting louder, I set my stopwatch to count down 30 minutes. I then did deep breathing for what seemed like 3 minutes. I prayed to God to give me the strength to beat the lust in my body. The urges were really strong. After that, I started reading a book called The Presence Process. After the 30 minutes had elapsed, the urges were non-existent which is quite funny. As long as I can delay the decision to relapse, it seems the urges will naturally just die a natural death. I will keep rehearsing my relapse plan since I can't rely on will power which is quite unreliable. To improve my relapse prevention plan I need to ask myself what emotion or set of emotions am I trying to escape from? Are the urges the natural kind or are there underlying toxic emotions that I unconsciously want to run away from instead of facing them head-on? I need to include awareness of my emotions in my plan.

Cold Shower Challenge: Day 7 of 30
Waking up at 5.15 am: failed! starting again Day 0 of 4
NO YouTube Challenge: failed! starting again Day 0 of 10
Your power of control and will to better yourself is growing.. your building the true desire to change.. most people never learn this. I’m with you Res, let’s see what your made of!