Mandalorian Challenge 100 Days + [OPEN]

So you want to be a Mandalorian?

  • “This is the Way”

    Votes: 150 98.7%
  • “Hell no, paint a target on my back?”

    Votes: 2 1.3%

  • Total voters
[QUOTE = "Wolfyoufeed, post: 2448096, miembro: 373164"] * arrastra el cuerpo roto y lo deja caer en un tanque Bacta para su recuperación *

Nos vemos en el día 7 de nuevo. Analice lo que hizo surgir sus impulsos y la próxima vez, no permita que lo haga tropezar.;)

[USUARIO = 382621] @ Elgido-13 [/ USUARIO]

¡Bienvenido al clan! Hablo español pero, para ser sincero, estoy exhausto. Pero necesito ampliar mi vocabulario. Vivo en un país cuando todo hablamos Castellano.

* Navaja y blaster de mano *

Llega al día 7, este es el camino.

Muy cierto, palabras alentadoras

"El lobo que alimentas es el que gana"

Cada pequeña acción / decisión nos empujará hacia nuestros objetivos o nos alejará de ellos ... no son las grandes cosas, sino todos los pequeños juntos. Por ejemplo: lo que hacemos con nuestro tiempo, lo que escuchamos, lo que pensamos o nos decimos cuando interactuamos o vemos personas hermosas. Para cada mala reacción, encuentre una positiva para reemplazarla ... si no funcionó, visualice la forma en que quería reaccionar o pensar la próxima vez. Visualízalo dos veces para enfatizar.

Día 78 * cabeceo * [/ CITA]
What happens when you accidentally see a sexual image but ignore it? How does relapse count if I am doing a reboot of my dopamine receptors
Accidents happen, if you choose to react the proper way, don’t reset
I apologise for my absence! I tragically admit that I fell to the enemy for a short time! The battle was fierce but in the end after taking shot after shot I did not come out victorious. I will admit that I did escape death, meaning I live to fight another day! I vanished to a far away plant and had to connect a few loose thoughts. After many nights of meditation I return fully aware of my actions and am proud to say that I am on my 3rd day of no pmo. The road was difficult and it saddens me to restart but having been as far as I was I could see just how beautiful it is on the other side. So brethren the battle rages on!
This is the way!
Glad to hear, I don’t want to lose any of you guys. We got a good thing going here. We all know how hard it is, and no one quits without many relapses at first. Good attitude!
day 50

Happy with the new armor and streak but unhappy with the proces of it,, i really need to improving my life or i will relapse somehow
Every week it’s good to sit down and say “ how did I do this week?” Is there an area I can work on?. It’s a form of meditation and self awareness. I’ve been taught his my whole life at the Christian meetings I attend. When I do it I definitely see results.
Day 59
Can't say that I had the best day yesterday. I'm dealing with a lot of stress lately and I'm trying to manage it with positive thinking. I believe I'll be all right after I graduate
Sorry to hear that. I also am feeling stress from my Exams. It helps to remember that I have the power to choose how I will react and improve the circumstances. What can I change to help me feel better?
Amount of sleep? Food? Study time? Excercise? Attitude?

Sometimes realizing that life will go on even if I fail helps... I mean, it’s not going to take my life.. people live in much worst situations and find happiness. If I just change my mindset I can be happy now. Just food for thought. I hope it helps
*presents helmet, and upgrades armor*

You have proven your worthy to take the helmet. This is not something to accept lightly.. you will be both hunter and prey.
If you accept the helmet you are a Mandalorian through and through, if you take it off or it’s taken from you... you must leave this challenge. Some choose to stay without the helmet or Mando title. The choice is yours... This is the way

I accept the helmet, my mando title and the danger coming with it. This is the way.
@Meep - I hope you have a swift recovery... use this time to build yourself, not giving in to weakness. I envy your stand at such an young age. You have great potential.

I accept the helmet, my mando title and the danger coming with it. This is the way.
This is the way *clasps arms*
Well done! We are clan of 5 now:

‘Belle, Holley, Mesq, myself, and now..
I’m not going to call you pimp.. your earning a more dignified name...

Your changing your view of yourself and others. What do you say to the nickname “Dignity” ?

The fallen foundlings are rising back up and will join us soon, our numbers are growing. Let’s build one another up! We are weapons.. sharpening one another for battle.

Day 80 This is the Way!
*Fires Rocket launcher into enemy AT-ST...Mandalorians pour into broken wall and battle ensues*
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Day 13 out of the way and checking in. Plan on changes some things up this week. Didn't fall last week, but got waaay too close. Time to mount up and ride hard!
43 days... wow.

I'm going to pull this off with 100% certainty. My porn days are over. I may introduce masturbation to my life again, but porn ... not so much
day 52

i now have a clear mind to able to think about what will i do,

sad new's is Corona Virus Positive is found in my province, and now the gov raise the awareness level into level 1 code red i guess

i'm so afraid to even go to the gym, and i might skip it for another month

Stay Strong Mando
43 days... wow.

I'm going to pull this off with 100% certainty. My porn days are over. I may introduce masturbation to my life again, but porn ... not so much
Your life is your own, and I’m not trying to tell you what to do. But I must ask...why M?

I’ve quit both and the power of control I felt over each has given me such strength. What I mean is this... I felt enslaved to P and after I quit that, M still enslaved me and made me feel worthless. And M would cause me to be tempted to view P because it’s a selfish thing. They seem linked. I now feel so clean and free! I changed the way I view sex and women. I view sex as an opportunity to GIVE to my wife, instead of TAKING, this view has honestly lead to better, more fulfilling sex because I slow down and make it more enjoyable for her, instead of jumping to the conclusion O that P and M lean you towards.

Again this is just my humble opinion and I only shared so you can see how good it can be.

Day Zero

How many shots do we get at this? If I need to, I can remove myself from the challenge. I keep stumbling around Day 4 or 5. I would like to try at least one more time.
As many as you need, the helmet and Mandalorian Title (day 30) are the only real things you can lose.

They are a deterrent... making this become a REAL monster you can see and fight. You have to earn your way, fight for it and be proud enough of what you’ve earned to not let it go

This is the way.

Day 62
I'm doing better than yesterday and the day before that. I still see the positive advantages of the process but this is not a point to stop, we going for it guys!

*upgrades helmet with HUD and hands you newly formed Beskar Greaves*

Nice! Your doing so well, making us proud!
I’ll also check that video out. Self improvement is a never ending process and leads to happy results
Day 1

Sorry guys for being MIA. I have been dealing with some deep toxic emotions triggered by feeling defective and rejected. This led me to a dark place and I relapsed hard watching porn and masturbating for a good part of Monday. I am back on track though I feel lethargic and lifeless. I have no desire to do work. However, I know that after three days I will be back to near full energy and my body will have recalibrated.
Day 1

Sorry guys for being MIA. I have been dealing with some deep toxic emotions triggered by feeling defective and rejected. This led me to a dark place and I relapsed hard watching porn and masturbating for a good part of Monday. I am back on track though I feel lethargic and lifeless. I have no desire to do work. However, I know that after three days I will be back to near full energy and my body will have recalibrated.
We are glad your here with the Clan Res.
We all know the struggle.. and sorry to hear about the dark emotion. I’m proud your facing it, because it’s not easy. It’s not about making yourself hard, it’s about getting back up when things are rough. One step at a time.. can’t run? Walk.. can’t walk? Crawl.. can’t crawl? Flex those muscles.. no one expects more than what you can do, not even our creator