Mandalorian Challenge 100 Days + [OPEN]

So you want to be a Mandalorian?

  • “This is the Way”

    Votes: 150 98.7%
  • “Hell no, paint a target on my back?”

    Votes: 2 1.3%

  • Total voters
Dignity.... yes I accept this name. thank you. Thank god I'm on day 72 now but it gets harder every day. This is the way.
Dignity.... yes I accept this name. thank you. Thank god I'm on day 72 now but it gets harder every day. This is the way.
Im glad Dignity, I’m sure you’ve noticed by now that attitude plays a big part on how difficult your challenge will be... tell yourself.. it doesn’t get harder everyday... It gets better. The challenges will come, but you will meet them with your whole strength and if that strength isn’t enough You will rely on others to help you get through it.
Day 1

Back to nofap. I have allowed anxiety to inhibit my mind by watching too much news about Covid-19 and economic recession. I neglected my bible reading and meditation routines. This made me start questioning the purpose of life once again and to escape reality. I watched porn and masturbated on 22nd. I have one day clean through sheer will power but today I resume my routines that kept me on the path to freedom. I will also start reading books again instead of watching the news. I will only watch updates of news once in a day for government directives and that is it. I will also stay off the internet as much as possible. I can't allow the darkness and pessimism take over once again. That is not a place I want to be ever again.
instead of watching the news.
yeps the news are so depresing lately, and such a waste time to read the negative news on covid...we need informed yes but too much dark news can affect our mental health... which happen to me today stressed out i binge to youtube for 6 hour and end it up watching some lucid clip on the net..... but i survived yet again...maybe im lucky

Day 14 check in. Happy to reach the 2 weeks mark!

congrats bro,, the force is strong with this one
yeps the news are so depresing lately, and such a waste time to read the negative news on covid...we need informed yes but too much dark news can affect our mental health... which happen to me today stressed out i binge to youtube for 6 hour and end it up watching some lucid clip on the net..... but i survived yet again...maybe im lucky
I think the news channels add more 'salt' to their bulletins. They want to shock people beyond normal and this translates to better ratings and profits. A news binge is not good for mental health as you say. But also binging on youtube is dangerous especially with erotic stuff popping as suggestions every now and then. I have failed many times because of a triggering thumbnails
Day 2

A much better day for me. A news diet today has worked wonders as I engaged in conversation with family members. As restricted movement has become the norm, I think I need to have a good routine for the day otherwise I may allow bad habits to creep up on me.
Day 103

We traveled.. fled the country due to the virus. On the plane arrival, we had to fill out a form stating whether we were in China, Iran or Schengen region... which of course we lived in the S-region.

My little family is living out of suitcases and we have to quarantine all over again.