Mandalorian Challenge 100 Days + [OPEN]

So you want to be a Mandalorian?

  • “This is the Way”

    Votes: 150 98.7%
  • “Hell no, paint a target on my back?”

    Votes: 2 1.3%

  • Total voters
Sequestered at house for the past few days. So far doing good. no temptations or thoughts. 35 days in challenge, 45 overall
Sorry if I’ve already asked, but do you accept the helmet and the honor of the clan?

If you choose the helmet, from that point on you must never take it off, and never have it removed from you. It proves you carry the clan honor. It means if you have to reset the counter you can never take it up again, but will be allowed to post here, but will no longer have the title or helmet of the Mandalorians.

This is the way
Day 103

We traveled.. fled the country due to the virus. On the plane arrival, we had to fill out a form stating whether we were in China, Iran or Schengen region... which of course we lived in the S-region.

My little family is living out of suitcases and we have to quarantine all over again.

Continue to be safe and strong for your family. You will beat this!
Day 3

As I continue with my news fast, I am much calmer and can actually get things done. I am having a productive day thus far despite being marooned in the house.
But also binging on youtube is dangerous especially with erotic stuff popping as suggestions every now and then

agreed yesterday i found some nasty thing that i dont believe it exsist on youtube, i must say or maybe predict that slowly but sure pornographic video will fully appear on that media but tbh i must be grateful about yesterday, because yesterday issue made me realize this danger,, and today mark my day 1 of no youtube, no facebook and no instagram,,,,, just watss app and browser for job issue

hope i can consistent on this

stay strong fellow mando
Yes, this is day 100 for me. I have been letting my diet slack a little because of travel through Coronavirus areas... airports mostly. But I’m keeping my focus. I need to get back to my no sugar meals before it gets out of hand
Congratulations brother! You did it! By nailing this challange you showed your body and mind who really is in control, and your demons too. This is the way.
day 77

im wondering some new hobby to do... and i think that building a model kit like gundam or tank seem interesting

one think i consider about it is the amount of time wasted on building it...but it seem better than looking down at cell phone i guess idk maybe i try to search another option
I've lost on the battle guys... I messed it up, I'm not proud of it. I was on day 87 and the urges got so strong. I can't make excuses for the O. I've learned a lot so far to this journey. It is not the end, I forgave myself and the best thing to do at this point is to move on with a learnt lesson. These mistakes can't hold me back from trying
It's getting pretty hard. Some of my colleagues told me on discord today that the hub offers free premium. They proceeded all together to make sure that they "benifit" from this offer. The porn industry doesn't care about the damage they cause as long as they make millions and millions. Be cautious brothers and sisters
I've lost on the battle guys... I messed it up, I'm not proud of it. I was on day 87 and the urges got so strong. I can't make excuses for the O. I've learned a lot so far to this journey. It is not the end, I forgave myself and the best thing to do at this point is to move on with a learnt lesson. These mistakes can't hold me back from trying
These are tough times for all. Remember, though you loses your helmet.. your armor and weapons are yours! You still haven’t lost your gains and you may continue to post here to encourage other and seek help.

This is the way
Day 4
Feeling extremely week at this moment but still utterly repulsed by the idea of failure. Need a good training regimen. Ideas?
If you stuck home like most of us in lockdown.. this is an excellent time to fast. It isn’t a training of the body, although you can watch videos of how to exercise while fasting. But it’s a training of the mind, which is connected to the body.

People often try to separate be two : body and mind, but neither can live without they other and they affect each other.

Benefits to fasting:
Zero urges: What? Yeah you heard me.. it stops them. Learned control of the most basic of body functions helps perfect control over the less important (sexual drive).
Temporary weight loss- although if you eat better once off the fast, some will remain off.
Healing: some like myself have noticed the body healing all kinds of things when done repeatedly over time and for longer durations.
Saves money: the last reason to fast, but ultimately it does cut down on bills.

Types: Dry fasting, water fasting, juice fasting, intermittent.

Of all, I prefer dryfasting, it’s the easiest although it sounds the hardest. I’m not going to lie about it. I’m not a doctor, but I have done my research and it’s now my favorite type of fasting. I believe every person is different so it may or may not work for you. I live by bible standards, so I try to be careful about giving advice so let me just say that it’s what I do and it’s healed a chronically swollen tonsil and helped me combat PMO urges when they are strong. (Galatians 6:5)

If your looking for bodily training, look up Calisthenics.. I’ve never seen someone not in great condition and they don’t need to leave the house to do it. I plan on taking it up eventually.