If you stuck home like most of us in lockdown.. this is an excellent time to fast. It isn’t a training of the body, although you can watch videos of how to exercise while fasting. But it’s a training of the mind, which is connected to the body.
People often try to separate be two : body and mind, but neither can live without they other and they affect each other.
Benefits to fasting:
Zero urges: What? Yeah you heard me.. it stops them. Learned control of the most basic of body functions helps perfect control over the less important (sexual drive).
Temporary weight loss- although if you eat better once off the fast, some will remain off.
Healing: some like myself have noticed the body healing all kinds of things when done repeatedly over time and for longer durations.
Saves money: the last reason to fast, but ultimately it does cut down on bills.
Types: Dry fasting, water fasting, juice fasting, intermittent.
Of all, I prefer dryfasting, it’s the easiest although it sounds the hardest. I’m not going to lie about it. I’m not a doctor, but I have done my research and it’s now my favorite type of fasting. I believe every person is different so it may or may not work for you. I live by bible standards, so I try to be careful about giving advice so let me just say that it’s what I do and it’s healed a chronically swollen tonsil and helped me combat PMO urges when they are strong. (Galatians 6:5)
If your looking for bodily training, look up Calisthenics.. I’ve never seen someone not in great condition and they don’t need to leave the house to do it. I plan on taking it up eventually.