Mandalorian Challenge 100 Days + [OPEN]

So you want to be a Mandalorian?

  • “This is the Way”

    Votes: 150 98.7%
  • “Hell no, paint a target on my back?”

    Votes: 2 1.3%

  • Total voters
Day 22 (35 personal)

I consider my wife my closest friend. We’ve been married now for 10 years. I feel that these changes from NoFap have helped me care about her more than ever before. I now look for ways to help her around the house, with my son, or do something to make her feel special.

The results? We are BOTH happier and I don’t suffer waiting to have sex... now I view sex as an opportunity to GIVE.

I find I’m more appreciative of life, the . scenery and living things. I take more time to view sunsets/sunrises, flowers, trees.

I find myself praying to God in a deeper, personal way. He’s the reason I chose this path, and therefore I’m deeply grateful.
I pray to him like he is my friend, still with respect that he deserves, but as I imagine Abraham did... since the Bible says he was called God’s friend. (James 2:23).

I find that although I can do things that impress others, I don’t feel I have to or even want to anymore. I find I know want to learn how to keep things to myself and only reveal them to those deserving. To Those whom my talents and knowledge will have a positive impact on, not wasted.

My life is more full and driven.
May you all get to experience benefits like these!

This is the way!
Thanks for sharing bro. Beautiful.
Day 6 me and the girl talk everyday now its obvious she wants it. She’s also very nice funny and easy going but bc of my last relationship I’m afraid of asking her out
Day 6 me and the girl talk everyday now its obvious she wants it. She’s also very nice funny and easy going but bc of my last relationship I’m afraid of asking her out
I’m not trying in any way to chose for you.. your decision is your own. I only will tell you this...

“The answer is always No...Until you ask.”
“Nothing ventured...nothing gained”

Our decisions are our own
This is the way.
Day 24 *places bounty fobs on the table*

You each get one!
This is an additional mission, if you choose to accept.

How this works- we all likely have personal days that are different than this challenge. If you complete this challenge successfully, you can convert one of your personal days and apply it to this challenge. (But only until it matches)

For example: let’s say Mando321 is on day 5 of this challenge, but is on day 10 personally. He can do this challenge to help match his real streak.

I want you to choose something on this list that you find hard to give up, and in addition to NoPMO you get one day for each day you do without this additional thing.

NoSugar (NoAlcohol, fruits are ok)
NoBread (it turns to sugar lol)
NoFood (fasting)

These additional things will not only improve your NoFap, but build your self control.

You must keep up with your days and calculations.

I will lead this extra challenge with NoSugar and NoCaffine (I like a good challenge)

This is the way
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Invite to Mandalorian Challenge

It wouldn’t let me PM you, and I didn’t want to steal any of your Spartans, so this was the most friendly way to invite you to join us.

If you decline I completely understand, but we would be honored to have you fight along side us

*offers VibroSpear*
No problem man, it is an honour to start my way here. How do i start?
Welcome, it’s your Day 0.

It’s simple, each time you rank up you get extra armor. You lose it in battle if you fail by resetting.

Additionally we have a little extra thing going on right now, you can read my post from earlier today, but it’s not a requirement, just a way an extra.

Welcome to Clan Mandalore
wow sparta x mandalorian collaboration

Lets fight together
Haha nice. Lets go Beyond!

Welcome, it’s your Day 0.

It’s simple, each time you rank up you get extra armor. You lose it in battle if you fail by resetting.

Additionally we have a little extra thing going on right now, you can read my post from earlier today, but it’s not a requirement, just a way an extra.

Welcome to Clan Mandalore
Got it DAY 0 indeed.