In the morning! I'm new to Nofap a few weeks ago and have been reading up and now want to introduce myself as I am excited to be part of this supportive community. I'm a 34 year old man. I am married to a smoking hot wife of 2 years, been together for 6. Porn addiction for me was a slow burn for a long time ramping up in the last 3 years until it consumed my life, my body and almost my marriage. Unfortunately for me I didn't find this great community early on but I have been rebooting and PM free for 90 days and PMO free for the last 8 days hoping to go PMO for 90 days on top of my PM 90 day reboot. A lot has happened in the last 98 days, as well as the last 12 months. I want to share my long story on one of the other sections and seek advice as I am still on this journey.