Married PAs in continued recovery

Discussion in 'Rebooting in a Relationship' started by NF4L, Dec 4, 2018.

  1. NF4L

    NF4L Fapstronaut

    There was a thread created in here a while ago About creating a group for those of us married fapstronuts that are continuing the recovery efforts after a hard mode reboot, or 5-6 months of continuous sobriety. We know we still need help and support after this time, and it is a way for us to maintain our streaks, honor our vows to our spouses, to gain further insights, ask hard questions, and to support each other’s continued dedication. I have to share the good news that it has finally been created.

    If this sounds like you. Please come join us.
    Trappist likes this.
  2. 90 days challenge done,
    Now what?

    It’s just the launch.

    Now that you’re in orbit
    the real work is found.

    Focus with others at
    the ‘Married PAs in Recovery’ group,
    as well as here.
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2018
    Jennica likes this.
  3. Br1 R1

    Br1 R1 Fapstronaut

    Good idea, I will see you in 72 days, I have only just started hard mode but know I will do it.
    Trappist likes this.
  4. You are in the best place.
    We’re with you.