Hey guys. I recently saw two really great posts by u/SpaceSuitTime and u/Rennault on Reddit which outlined the cunning mental dialogue that occurs before a relapse. It is effective as a panic button as if one stops to think about why their mind is telling them to do that, the urge quickly dissipates, making it easier to fight it. I notice the former's post did not have counter reasoning against the dialogue, so I will add it in a style similar to how the latter did, also adding some personal ones too. Feel free to reply in the thread any dialogue that you feel belongs here!
We all know how that turns out.
No, you'll start now. You've been putting things off for much of your life, and a lot of that can be attributed to you lack of motivation thanks to porn.
2. "I am only X years old, I still have time to fap."
Every person older than you fighting this battle has said that at some point when younger. You are essentially procrastinating and putting off your life for pleasure. It all starts now, because this is the time where you can make steps toward right progress.
3. "My life is much more stressful than others and fapping is a healthy way to handle that stress. Hey, at least I am not addicted to X or Y or Z!"
Quit looking for escape. Fight your challenges head on and I guarantee you that you will come out on top as a much more reformed individual. PMO sometimes comes as a gateway to other addictions, so be careful with relative addiction comparisons.
4. "Fapping is natural and everyone does it so it doesn't matter how much or how often I do it."
Can you believe anybody at face value when they tell you this? All these "sexologists" like Nicole Prause who demonize NoFap and promote masturbation are on the payroll of the multibillion porn monopoly.
5. "My partner doesn't have the same sex drive as me so I have to get it out of my system."
It is great that you have a partner to channel this energy towards. He/she will feel theirs heighten from your aura of semen retention. When you do smash, it will be much more enjoyable for the other and they will look forward to it. If you have more than your partner, you can use the extra in a constructive manner like transmuting it.
6. "I don't have problems with girls yet so nofap doesn't have any benefits to offer me."
Ya keep telling yourself that bud, then come crying back when you will not be able to get intimate with your partner or something fucks up in that department.
7. "I don't suffer from ED so my problem with fapping isn't as severe as others so I can continue."
If you keep this up, you may end up getting problems down the road. Addictions always get progressively harder if you do not nip in the bud early on.
8. "I'm not attractive enough to get a girlfriend and my body needs to release somehow so fapping is actually helpful."
9. "I just reset my counter X amount of time ago so it is not a big deal if I do it now. Might as well fap a few times before going big this time!"
The worst problem in NoFap imo is the number of people binging. If you relapse, then you pick yourself back up but you really shaft your progress if turn a full 180 and start going back to full out bad habits.
10. "I just need to get it out of my system"
The only thing you'll be getting out of your system is your sense of productivity, confidence, energy, and focus.
11. "I have already fapped so much - once more can't hurt"
Again, binging. Stop now, and maybe one slip up could be overcome if you continue on like nothing happened.
12. "Wanna make sure my dick works"
Your dick works man! Nothing to stress about. Chill it
13. "I have X coming up and I don't need the stress of nofap on top of all that!"
Are you hearing yourself bro? NoFap relieves you of your stress as opposed to the stress in the shadows that PMO gives you. Yes, your mind will bitch about not getting instant gratification, but the good feeling is a 1000 fold after you slay your event with semen energy retained
14. "Everyone else is relapsing, it is not that big of a deal - Always next time , right?"
15. "My sex drive is so much higher than everyone I know - I need to fap to keep it under control."
16. "I will just P w/o the MO"
No, you won't. You'll just P for 4 hours straight until you finally can't resist touching the bulge in your shorts. Voila, relapse.
17. "Oh, I didn't see all those links said NSFW - WHOOPS"
You have the power to walk away. Please utilize it. Accidents can happen anywhere at anytime but it is up to you on how to handle the situation. Do not panic, just close the site without hesitation and switch tasks until your mind is off of it.
18. " I've reached my goal of ____ days! I'm cured! I can watch porn without becoming addicted, now, right?"
If you're excited about the fact that you can "watch porn now" because you're "cured", then you aren't cured. You're still addicted. Keep at it.
19. "The videos/talks all say the problem is dopamines so if I just fap one out real quick without any porn or fantasies it is basically just a natural body function."
Bear in mind that putting your mind to the work of doing it can escalate pretty badly. This is how a lot of people go down this route, a progression. You fap alone. Then you want fantasy. Then you want a magazine. Then you want soft social media porn. Then you get on to the hard shit of actual porn, sucking you into a vortex.
20. "I just wasn't born with enough willpower to do nofap."
That's quitter talk my lad. Willpower is built throughout being thrown into hard decisions and making the right call. If you can say no to porn, your mind gets build tremendously each time. It is something that can be built.
21. "It's been X amount of days, no results yet so it is obviously not working, time to fap."
Fixating on NoFap alone is not going to give you results. It is a catalyst to accelerate things. You need to find good shit to fill the void.
22. "I'll just check what is new"
There's nothing new. Nothing. "Oh, look, it's shot from a slightly different angle." "Wow, that girl has BROWN hair instead of blonde!" "Wow, that guy's dick is big!" Do not fall for FOMO.
23. "That last thing I fapped to was disgusting (or that last fap wasn't that great). Let me find the perfect girl and scene as a final goodbye to fapping."
You will never find one. The websites work to make your mind chase into a rabbit hole. Practically impossible to get to your "desired perfect video"
24. "The goal is NoFap, not not using porn"
You are a porn addict. You masturbate TO porn. That's like an alcoholic saying "My goal is to not get drunk, not to not drink at all! I can just drink a can..."
Not everyone who does porn is a porn addict. You are. If you want to stop PMO, you have to get rid of the P first. You don't overcome a porn addiction by looking at porn.
25. "I am such a loser, who care. My friends are all having fun while I am sitting here lonely"
Right now, your brain is doing whatever it can to get you to come crawling back for your fix. "Hating yourself" is literally just an excuse to keep doing porn. You don't even realize you're doing it, but subconsciously, you'll tell yourself just about ANYTHING if it will get you to watch some more porn.
Basically, your brain is throwing a tantrum so it can get what it craves. It's like a spoiled little child who's used to getting whatever it wants right away. Good parents say no to their kids and ignore the tantrums. Bad parents give into those kids' demands, and those kids grow up to be spoiled little shits with inflated senses of entitlement.
Show your brain who's boss
26. But I need to jerk off to get to sleep!
No, you need to exercise, stop drinking coffee after 2pm, and maybe take a sleeping aid or drink some chamomile tea. There are a lot of different ways you can get yourself tired.
27. I want to see how much bigger my orgasm is now that I've waited ____ days!
Yeah, your orgasm will be bigger. So will your crash down to earth afterwards when you realize that you blew your streak and that you're all alone with nothing but a screen in front of you depicting a man/woman/cartoon character/hentai/whateveryou'reinto who will never meet you and will never even know your name to keep you company.
28. I'll just start off slow and maybe masturbate only ____ times a month/week/day...
Alcoholic: "I'll just start off slow and maybe get drunk ____ times a month/week/day..."
Sounds like bullshit, doesn't it? That doesn't mean that relapsing twice in one month vs. twice in one week isn't progress, but if you consciously set out to do porn sometimes, you'll NEVER get rid of your addiction.
29. I just need to get it out of my system...
The only thing you'll be getting out of your system is your sense of productivity, confidence, energy, and focus.
30. The urge is just too much!
Cold showers. The more you hate the cold water, the faster that urge will disappear. Stand under some truly COLD water for maybe 30 seconds, and your urges will be gone. Feeling cold for a little bit and then feeling great for hours is a lot better than feeling hot for a little bit and feeling like shit for hours. Take your pick. Plus, get the blood flowing with exercise, whether it be running or lifting weights.
31. Hey, I've been on a long streak lately. One look/MO session can't really set me back all that far, can it?
Yes, it can. First off, there's the chaser effect, which will make it a hell of a lot harder to get back on track. Second, you know for a fact that you're going to feel like shit the whole rest of the day, at least. Third, if you start the cycle of self-hatred again after you realize that you broke your long streak, you're likely going to binge. Hard.
And honestly, binging is the only real thing that will truly require you to COMPLETELY start all over again, from square one.
32. I wanna just test the blockers I set up, see if there is a chink in the armour.
This is legit your mind trying to find someway around an external control system. Snap out of it, and leave the tech to work its magic. It ain't foolproof, so please complement it with your internal porn blocker, willpower.
33. I am visiting God's abode or any other spiritual place. I can get cleansed.
Bear in mind, these are institutions that help you overcome the main root cause. They lose their effectiveness if you think you can just be pardoned for anything. God knows the subconscious intentions best, so set yourself on the right attitude towards things.
34. I wanna test myself, here is a hot chick, try not to fap.
This is like an alcoholic purposely setting himself with a bottle of vodka and trying to resist it. Nuh uh, not gonna happen. There are no tests, only traps. The real test is you detaching yourself from this bullshit and taking control of your life.
35. I am bored. Nothing else to do besides fap
Get off your ass and do something goddamnit.
36. These blue balls are a pain. I need to let it out.
Soak them in cold water. Do anything but fap.
37. People told me that jacking off is manly and watching porn helps your dick grow bigger.
Find those people, slap tf outta them, and tell them that they are full of shit. Too many pseudointellectuals corrupting our fine Fapstronauts here with misinformation.
38. Let us see what this pornstar is up to
They are doing their jobs as usual, scripting the film and then acting in front of a director and camera. Nothing special really.
- I will start beginning next (insert time duration)/wait until event
We all know how that turns out.
No, you'll start now. You've been putting things off for much of your life, and a lot of that can be attributed to you lack of motivation thanks to porn.
2. "I am only X years old, I still have time to fap."
Every person older than you fighting this battle has said that at some point when younger. You are essentially procrastinating and putting off your life for pleasure. It all starts now, because this is the time where you can make steps toward right progress.
3. "My life is much more stressful than others and fapping is a healthy way to handle that stress. Hey, at least I am not addicted to X or Y or Z!"
Quit looking for escape. Fight your challenges head on and I guarantee you that you will come out on top as a much more reformed individual. PMO sometimes comes as a gateway to other addictions, so be careful with relative addiction comparisons.
4. "Fapping is natural and everyone does it so it doesn't matter how much or how often I do it."
Can you believe anybody at face value when they tell you this? All these "sexologists" like Nicole Prause who demonize NoFap and promote masturbation are on the payroll of the multibillion porn monopoly.
5. "My partner doesn't have the same sex drive as me so I have to get it out of my system."
It is great that you have a partner to channel this energy towards. He/she will feel theirs heighten from your aura of semen retention. When you do smash, it will be much more enjoyable for the other and they will look forward to it. If you have more than your partner, you can use the extra in a constructive manner like transmuting it.
6. "I don't have problems with girls yet so nofap doesn't have any benefits to offer me."
Ya keep telling yourself that bud, then come crying back when you will not be able to get intimate with your partner or something fucks up in that department.
7. "I don't suffer from ED so my problem with fapping isn't as severe as others so I can continue."
If you keep this up, you may end up getting problems down the road. Addictions always get progressively harder if you do not nip in the bud early on.
8. "I'm not attractive enough to get a girlfriend and my body needs to release somehow so fapping is actually helpful."
9. "I just reset my counter X amount of time ago so it is not a big deal if I do it now. Might as well fap a few times before going big this time!"
The worst problem in NoFap imo is the number of people binging. If you relapse, then you pick yourself back up but you really shaft your progress if turn a full 180 and start going back to full out bad habits.
10. "I just need to get it out of my system"
The only thing you'll be getting out of your system is your sense of productivity, confidence, energy, and focus.
11. "I have already fapped so much - once more can't hurt"
Again, binging. Stop now, and maybe one slip up could be overcome if you continue on like nothing happened.
12. "Wanna make sure my dick works"
Your dick works man! Nothing to stress about. Chill it
13. "I have X coming up and I don't need the stress of nofap on top of all that!"
Are you hearing yourself bro? NoFap relieves you of your stress as opposed to the stress in the shadows that PMO gives you. Yes, your mind will bitch about not getting instant gratification, but the good feeling is a 1000 fold after you slay your event with semen energy retained
14. "Everyone else is relapsing, it is not that big of a deal - Always next time , right?"
15. "My sex drive is so much higher than everyone I know - I need to fap to keep it under control."
16. "I will just P w/o the MO"
No, you won't. You'll just P for 4 hours straight until you finally can't resist touching the bulge in your shorts. Voila, relapse.
17. "Oh, I didn't see all those links said NSFW - WHOOPS"
You have the power to walk away. Please utilize it. Accidents can happen anywhere at anytime but it is up to you on how to handle the situation. Do not panic, just close the site without hesitation and switch tasks until your mind is off of it.
18. " I've reached my goal of ____ days! I'm cured! I can watch porn without becoming addicted, now, right?"
If you're excited about the fact that you can "watch porn now" because you're "cured", then you aren't cured. You're still addicted. Keep at it.
19. "The videos/talks all say the problem is dopamines so if I just fap one out real quick without any porn or fantasies it is basically just a natural body function."
Bear in mind that putting your mind to the work of doing it can escalate pretty badly. This is how a lot of people go down this route, a progression. You fap alone. Then you want fantasy. Then you want a magazine. Then you want soft social media porn. Then you get on to the hard shit of actual porn, sucking you into a vortex.
20. "I just wasn't born with enough willpower to do nofap."
That's quitter talk my lad. Willpower is built throughout being thrown into hard decisions and making the right call. If you can say no to porn, your mind gets build tremendously each time. It is something that can be built.
21. "It's been X amount of days, no results yet so it is obviously not working, time to fap."
Fixating on NoFap alone is not going to give you results. It is a catalyst to accelerate things. You need to find good shit to fill the void.
22. "I'll just check what is new"
There's nothing new. Nothing. "Oh, look, it's shot from a slightly different angle." "Wow, that girl has BROWN hair instead of blonde!" "Wow, that guy's dick is big!" Do not fall for FOMO.
23. "That last thing I fapped to was disgusting (or that last fap wasn't that great). Let me find the perfect girl and scene as a final goodbye to fapping."
You will never find one. The websites work to make your mind chase into a rabbit hole. Practically impossible to get to your "desired perfect video"
24. "The goal is NoFap, not not using porn"
You are a porn addict. You masturbate TO porn. That's like an alcoholic saying "My goal is to not get drunk, not to not drink at all! I can just drink a can..."
Not everyone who does porn is a porn addict. You are. If you want to stop PMO, you have to get rid of the P first. You don't overcome a porn addiction by looking at porn.
25. "I am such a loser, who care. My friends are all having fun while I am sitting here lonely"
Right now, your brain is doing whatever it can to get you to come crawling back for your fix. "Hating yourself" is literally just an excuse to keep doing porn. You don't even realize you're doing it, but subconsciously, you'll tell yourself just about ANYTHING if it will get you to watch some more porn.
Basically, your brain is throwing a tantrum so it can get what it craves. It's like a spoiled little child who's used to getting whatever it wants right away. Good parents say no to their kids and ignore the tantrums. Bad parents give into those kids' demands, and those kids grow up to be spoiled little shits with inflated senses of entitlement.
Show your brain who's boss
26. But I need to jerk off to get to sleep!
No, you need to exercise, stop drinking coffee after 2pm, and maybe take a sleeping aid or drink some chamomile tea. There are a lot of different ways you can get yourself tired.
27. I want to see how much bigger my orgasm is now that I've waited ____ days!
Yeah, your orgasm will be bigger. So will your crash down to earth afterwards when you realize that you blew your streak and that you're all alone with nothing but a screen in front of you depicting a man/woman/cartoon character/hentai/whateveryou'reinto who will never meet you and will never even know your name to keep you company.
28. I'll just start off slow and maybe masturbate only ____ times a month/week/day...
Alcoholic: "I'll just start off slow and maybe get drunk ____ times a month/week/day..."
Sounds like bullshit, doesn't it? That doesn't mean that relapsing twice in one month vs. twice in one week isn't progress, but if you consciously set out to do porn sometimes, you'll NEVER get rid of your addiction.
29. I just need to get it out of my system...
The only thing you'll be getting out of your system is your sense of productivity, confidence, energy, and focus.
30. The urge is just too much!
Cold showers. The more you hate the cold water, the faster that urge will disappear. Stand under some truly COLD water for maybe 30 seconds, and your urges will be gone. Feeling cold for a little bit and then feeling great for hours is a lot better than feeling hot for a little bit and feeling like shit for hours. Take your pick. Plus, get the blood flowing with exercise, whether it be running or lifting weights.
31. Hey, I've been on a long streak lately. One look/MO session can't really set me back all that far, can it?
Yes, it can. First off, there's the chaser effect, which will make it a hell of a lot harder to get back on track. Second, you know for a fact that you're going to feel like shit the whole rest of the day, at least. Third, if you start the cycle of self-hatred again after you realize that you broke your long streak, you're likely going to binge. Hard.
And honestly, binging is the only real thing that will truly require you to COMPLETELY start all over again, from square one.
32. I wanna just test the blockers I set up, see if there is a chink in the armour.
This is legit your mind trying to find someway around an external control system. Snap out of it, and leave the tech to work its magic. It ain't foolproof, so please complement it with your internal porn blocker, willpower.
33. I am visiting God's abode or any other spiritual place. I can get cleansed.
Bear in mind, these are institutions that help you overcome the main root cause. They lose their effectiveness if you think you can just be pardoned for anything. God knows the subconscious intentions best, so set yourself on the right attitude towards things.
34. I wanna test myself, here is a hot chick, try not to fap.
This is like an alcoholic purposely setting himself with a bottle of vodka and trying to resist it. Nuh uh, not gonna happen. There are no tests, only traps. The real test is you detaching yourself from this bullshit and taking control of your life.
35. I am bored. Nothing else to do besides fap
Get off your ass and do something goddamnit.
36. These blue balls are a pain. I need to let it out.
Soak them in cold water. Do anything but fap.
37. People told me that jacking off is manly and watching porn helps your dick grow bigger.
Find those people, slap tf outta them, and tell them that they are full of shit. Too many pseudointellectuals corrupting our fine Fapstronauts here with misinformation.
38. Let us see what this pornstar is up to
They are doing their jobs as usual, scripting the film and then acting in front of a director and camera. Nothing special really.
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