Masturbating after reboot


I suffer from DE and Death Grip and I never realized how bad this actually is for me and my SO.
I'm currently starting my first reboot with no PM for 90 days, after 10 years of PMOing and having at most 1 week breaks when I started dating my SO.

Does masturbation ever feel normal or OK after youre done rebooting or "fixing" your symptoms? I'm seriously considering cutting out porn from my life, but I'm not sure if cutting out masturbation for the rest of my time on earth is going to be feasible, so I'm starting to wonder if there's even a "normal" for masturbating.

It was always about releasing pressure and relaxing, but since it fucked up my brain and body so much, is it even worth it to masturbate at all? Will it always have this negative impact in my body and brain even without porn?
Bro I don‘t know when you began this NoFap journey, me I began it two years ago and I wished I never had relapsed PMO.
Everytime I tried „just MO“ it ends to PMO.
For me it‘s clear i cut PMO for the rest of my life, because I‘m done with the withdrawal symptoms…
But you have to decide for yourself maybe it‘s different to you, we all are different. But for me PMO I will never want to do it again…