
Hello everyone.. I have a disorder or atleast i think i have one.. I feel extremely fatigued everytime, every damn time.. Im not able to do anything.. Not a single damn thing..all i do everyday is watch netflix and eat.. My fatigue is extreme.. Every stride i take feels like a burden, sitting upright feels tiring, my legs seem to be unable to hold my weight, im lowkey fit, your everyday normal guy, im not overweight.. I have seen many doctors, and they all have told me that i should visit a psychiatrist, that im depressed, but i dont think so, i have no reason to feep depressed, i live with my parents, i dont have to earn, i just go sit there at my fathers store for 4-5 hours, nothing else.. And i spend the rest of the day at home.. I cant run, indulge in sporty activities and all.. I cant concentrate..i wanted to study but my disorder is not letting me do anything in life.. I feel so fatigued all the time like im high, and trust me i dont drink, not at all.. I dont suffer from thyroid or diabetes..
Now coming to the masturbation part.. I remember masturbating in the bathroom when i was in 5th standars, a 13 year old boy, now im 21 and all these years ive been masturbating.. Twice, thrice or even 4 times a day, i suffer from PIED (porn induced erectile dysfunction), but that too is no cause for excessive chronic many visits to doctors and all of them telling me that this is no physical problem, only a mental issue, have led me to ask this question to myself. . AM I DEPRESSED.. and now i want to know if my disorder or even my depression if i have it, has come from this 9 year long habbit of masturbation.. PLEASE HELP ME,.. if anybody of you firmly think that its because of masturbation, please tell me.. I am sick of the word "worthless" Ringing in my head.. Multiple times everyday, i think about ending it.. Im so sick of this life.. Ive got nothing to lose.. Only the memories of a young man who went miserably will haunt my family for god knows how long.. ANOTHER THING.. Medical facilities are not very good in india.. If you think this issue if of a medical nature, please tell me and ill search for a good doctor who can understand my problem better...
Hey! I am right here with you! I started at about the same time and have had the same experiences as you though out my life the fact that you are here you know what you have to do. You need to stop! TODAY and I know I will be here with you every step of the way. I am starting a 2-week challenge starting today of no masturbation. It's going to be incredibly hard due to how long we both have been masturbating and was this high frequency. But a great quote from my dad, "The brain is just like your arm. It is a muscle that is controllable just like anything else in your body." Since it is a muscle we can do whatever we need to we simply need to act on it and hold ourselves accountable!
Hey! I am right here with you! I started at about the same time and have had the same experiences as you though out my life the fact that you are here you know what you have to do. You need to stop! TODAY and I know I will be here with you every step of the way. I am starting a 2-week challenge starting today of no masturbation. It's going to be incredibly hard due to how long we both have been masturbating and was this high frequency. But a great quote from my dad, "The brain is just like your arm. It is a muscle that is controllable just like anything else in your body." Since it is a muscle we can do whatever we need to we simply need to act on it and hold ourselves accountable!
Im in.. But do you also experience or used to experience the same things.. Thus fatigue, this depression.. I just wanna rule out any medical issue.. Even tho the doctors have already ruled it out..
AWESOME! yeah, it's definitely gonna take longer than 2 weeks to be all better from what I have read. But you have to start somewhere
AWESOME! yeah, it's definitely gonna take longer than 2 weeks to be all better from what I have read. But you have to start somewhere
Even a slight improvement will be enough for me to notice and if the improvement keeps building it will help me determine if Masturbation was behind it all.. Lets go.!
HELL YEAH! I'm excited to feel better one day and get my life back. If you need me just send me a message anytime and ill try to respond asap.
Hey buddy. You asked me to tell you if I can relate to these symptoms and the answer is yes. I'm quite a bit older than you, but I remember when I was in my teens and 20's how fatigued and depressed I was. I remember especially the "feeling high" but not in a good way. It's what most people here call "brain fog". I had that ALL.THE.TIME. I had it so much that I thought I was stupid.

When I think back on it, there were extremely rare moments when I did not have brain fog. I was so clear and confident and excited and felt unstoppable. Then it would suddenly go away without explanation. I realize now it was probably the few times I didn't masturbate.

You have to realize that ejaculation is a survival issue and when we ejaculate, our body and mind think we have achieved our life's mission (procreation) and therefore all energy to do anything else is now gone.

When we retain our sexual vitality, we retain life itself.......think about it like that and you'll begin to understand that this is an very serious issue.

It makes me angry when I think about doctors and society trivializing masturbation. They even encourage it!
Don't listen to them, my friend. This is your life we're talking about. I would give anything to be your age and realize this.
HELL YEAH! I'm excited to feel better one day and get my life back. If you need me just send me a message anytime and ill try to respond asap.
Ive tried abstaining from PMO before.. I suffer from a flatline( no erection) plus terrible terrible urges .. The most deranged thoughts come in my head.. But lets give this a try.. I want my life back..
Hey buddy. You asked me to tell you if I can relate to these symptoms and the answer is yes. I'm quite a bit older than you, but I remember when I was in my teens and 20's how fatigued and depressed I was. I remember especially the "feeling high" but not in a good way. It's what most people here call "brain fog". I had that ALL.THE.TIME. I had it so much that I thought I was stupid.

When I think back on it, there were extremely rare moments when I did not have brain fog. I was so clear and confident and excited and felt unstoppable. Then it would suddenly go away without explanation. I realize now it was probably the few times I didn't masturbate.

You have to realize that ejaculation is a survival issue and when we ejaculate, our body and mind think we have achieved our life's mission (procreation) and therefore all energy to do anything else is now gone.

When we retain our sexual vitality, we retain life itself.......think about it like that and you'll begin to understand that this is an very serious issue.

It makes me angry when I think about doctors and society trivializing masturbation. They even encourage it!
Don't listen to them, my friend. This is your life we're talking about. I would give anything to be your age and realize this.
I can relate to it so much.. So so much.. One moment i am confident and full of energy, doing push ups, and then its gone , just gone, and the worse thing is that revitalized, energetic part comes once in weeks.. Where i feel like ive cured myself.. And then it goes away pushing me down to oblivion.. I have tried to accredit gluten intolerance, lactose intolerance, high carb diet, sugar , preservatives and even veggies as the source of my problem and ruling them out never worked.. I stay so confused, what is safe to eat.. What will give me energy without effin me up but i end up the same as always..
I would like to know how youre doing as of now.. Are u cured.. How much time did it take.. What did you do..
it was within one week that I started to notice the difference. I’m not exaggerating. Just a few days and I could see!

there have been other challenges like hitting the flatline but I’m telling you it’s been worth it. Over five weeks no porn and only one ejaculation but that was real sex. Didn’t take long before I was feeling great again.
Keep in mind everyone’s experience can be different but I hear so many people talk about what I’m describing. I think sooner or later it’s inevitable that you start feeling better.
Like alot of addictions ,a habbit is mostly replaced not removed.
If you can replace your "habbit" with a more "productive" habbit.
Our self worth is based on what we can do, at least from our brain's perspective " I believe it when I see it".
The more we do (it could be anything as long as its a push), our bodies dont like to do anything once we reach a comfort state , thats why its so hard to get it going at first but turns out better down the road.
Give it a push and stay long enough till you get to the road
Porn fucks up the dopamine system dude. And the dopamine system is basically the life energy.

If you masturbate to porn a lot > you will have less life energy, whic means less motivation to do things.

This is what happens to the brain when consuming porn. I'll quote this brilliant post from @Mr. Kruger ( with enlightments by me ).
And this kind of addiction is even worse than other addictions because not only does it keep you addicted to the dopamine thrill, but your brain also thinks that you're gaining access to a plethora of new women every day. You aren't going to have the motivation to improve yourself in any aspect if your brain thinks that you are perpetually winning at the mating game with almost no effort whatsoever.
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Being addicted to porn and masturbation can definitely cause depression, lack of motivation, and all the physical symptoms too. I believe it's the reason I've been depressed for so long. I also experienced a lot of physical symptoms for years, and I didn't know that they were caused by my addiction to porn and masturbation. This will get better if you abstain from watching porn and masturbating, but it can take some time for people who have been addicted for years. I was addicted for a long time, and the physical symptoms and lack of energy took around six months to a year to improve.

You might find this thread helpful too:
My fatigue is extreme.. Every stride i take feels like a burden, sitting upright feels tiring, my legs seem to be unable to hold my weight, im lowkey fit, your everyday normal guy, im not overweight..
You might have ME i.e. myalgic encephalomyelitis. In America they call it CFS.
You might have ME i.e. myalgic encephalomyelitis. In America they call it CFS.
In my case, CFS was definitely caused by PMO. Years of avoidable suffering, just because I didn't know any better.

My advice to anyone reading this thread is simply to focus on quitting PMO, and see what happens. But it needs to be hardmode - orgasm is the real problem (although I don't think nocturnal emissions are a problem unless very frequent). I bet in 99% of cases you'll improve dramatically, although it might take a few months. No need to see doctors (and get sent to a shrink), extreme diets, expensive vitamins etc etc. Just make quitting the main focus of your life.
Hey buddy. You asked me to tell you if I can relate to these symptoms and the answer is yes. I'm quite a bit older than you, but I remember when I was in my teens and 20's how fatigued and depressed I was. I remember especially the "feeling high" but not in a good way. It's what most people here call "brain fog". I had that ALL.THE.TIME. I had it so much that I thought I was stupid.

When I think back on it, there were extremely rare moments when I did not have brain fog. I was so clear and confident and excited and felt unstoppable. Then it would suddenly go away without explanation. I realize now it was probably the few times I didn't masturbate.

You have to realize that ejaculation is a survival issue and when we ejaculate, our body and mind think we have achieved our life's mission (procreation) and therefore all energy to do anything else is now gone.

When we retain our sexual vitality, we retain life itself.......think about it like that and you'll begin to understand that this is an very serious issue.

It makes me angry when I think about doctors and society trivializing masturbation. They even encourage it!
Don't listen to them, my friend. This is your life we're talking about. I would give anything to be your age and realize this.
I agree with everything you say here!