Masturbation Considered "Healthy" by Some. Why?


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That's something that I've never quite understood. There was a time when masturbation was condemned for all of the illness that it was thought to cause. Hell, our ancestors were on to something there if you ask me.

So, what happened after that? I don't quite understand how masturbation went from being something that's a cause of illness and death to being something that's regarded as "healthy" and "normal" in the span of a few centuries at most.

Just something I was thinking about.
I think it was an article I read a few years back that talked about these Italian scientists that found out that drinking 2 glasses of wine a day was healthy. A bottle a day is a different story, tho. I can't M only once every few weeks because I am addicted to it, but some people can. People, not so long ago, thought smoking was healthy. It's like history is repeating itself, only with PMO instead of cigarettes.
When you're talking about ancestors. I think you're talking about people that have been influenced by Christianity. So in Europe in the days of the early church and in the Middle Ages and afterwords. Yes, you're definitely going to see masturbation looked down upon and regarded as evil. There may have been some other pagan groups like the Romans. I don't know what the view of masturbation was but if it was a bad one It could have been related to fertility and not wasting your seed.
Since the sexual revolution of modern days people do not see masturbation in the eyes of Christian values. We are accountable only to ourselves. So if it feels good, it must be good. But that has been the state of mankind since the beginning.
Because research has been shown to have an association between ejaculating more frequently and a lower chance of getting prostate cancer in three different age groups.

I'm not against masturbation per se. It's just when you're addicted to it.

I do think bad religion plays a part in how we think about masturbation. Theology still influences societies today (even those that are now secular). There's this idea that pleasure is bad and any suggestion of pleasure being good in religious text is interpreted in a way that denies pleasure.
I think it was an article I read a few years back that talked about these Italian scientists that found out that drinking 2 glasses of wine a day was healthy. A bottle a day is a different story, tho. I can't M only once every few weeks because I am addicted to it, but some people can. People, not so long ago, thought smoking was healthy. It's like history is repeating itself, only with PMO instead of cigarettes.

The problem is with the way the scientific industry is run. No research is fully tested before published and sometimes it's funded by organisations that have an agenda. Like that research stated that drinking alcohol was good for you was funded a beer manufacturer.