Masturbation problem with 14 age boy

Guys please help me I am age 14 and I can't stop my masturbation thinking more than 7 - 10 days I tried much times but every time I failed please help me

Welcome to the NoFap community! :)

I'm glad that you decided to take the first steps to kicking this habit for good. It causes so many side effects, many of which we aren't even aware of until it's gone.

I would suggest that you start a journal here. Select a category according to your age group. It'll help you to keep track of your progress, gain support, and stay dedicated to your journey to quit porn and masturbation for good.

Also go here to start your badge that will also track your progress, and allow other members to see your progress as well.

Remember why you're doing this, and that the NoFap community would like nothing more than to see you succeed, and are always happy to help! Welcome! :)
Guys please help me I am age 14 and I can't stop my masturbation thinking more than 7 - 10 days I tried much times but every time I failed please help me
Hi, is it masturbation only or do you watch porn as well? If you do, start by stopping porn, that the most toxic of the equation. Can you do that?
Hey man welcome to the community, Ive been In your place as well also. Ive been struggling porn for about 5 years and now Im recovering from it. It took some people to help me to where I am today. I might be hard at first but don't worry, It will be worth it in the end.

These are the things that I can tell you that Helped me:
1. If you feel ashamed about telling someone about you addiction, Talk on here until you feel like your ready to.
2.Keep your mind on other things (Go to the park,Hangout with your friends, etc.) So when you feel like your about to relapse you can take your attention off of porn and redirect it to something productive.
3. Finally, Know that your not ALONE and you got a community here. Where here for you type to one of us or post threads on the forums if you really want to talk about something.

These are the things that helped me so far but Know that "There will be pain in the night but joy will come in the morning." - Psalm 30.5
*Don`t forget to setup your counter!*
*Click the My Journal under my name if you want to be inspired and hear things that relate to you.*
That's not too bad then. Go outside, try to stay busy meet people, do charity work, exercise, you'll be ok as long as you stay away from porn.
Guys please help me I am age 14 and I can't stop my masturbation thinking more than 7 - 10 days I tried much times but every time I failed please help me

If you haven't already done so, please read the "Getting Started Guide" available on this site's home page. It includes a lot of information that you will find helpful as you start your journey of healing. Also have a look at the "Glossary" on the top of this page for definitions of abbreviations and terms that may be new to you.

One day at a time is how we all succeed.
That's ok, take it easy, one step at a time. Twice a week at your age is ok, really. Try to focus on the good things in your life, things that make you feel good about yourself. Try to aim for once a week and see if you can take it out of your life at least temporarily. You're a very courageous young man.
It's ok for you to masturbate, at your age. Make as your goal no more than 1-2 times a week. Make definite time each week that you will relieve your self. Like Saturday morning and Wednesday morning. Develop a routine and stick to it. Then stretch it out longer and longer in between times.
You control it, don't let it control you. AND STAY AWAY FROM PORN FOREVER! LM