maybe we should more walk alone

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Bohdanbigos, Apr 28, 2020.

  1. Bohdanbigos

    Bohdanbigos Fapstronaut

    20 minutes ago I returned home after 1 hour pacing alone in a small forest. I saw many people chilling in companies. But I walk alone especially now, when everybody is on quarantine, I think it's necessary. For 1.5 months of lock down it starts to be pleasurable. Maybe because I have not much friends as I want it to be, but I started thinking about my life, what am I doing with that, honestly I liked it. Though there were people around I just didn't pay attention to them, I also chatted with 1 nice girl and find her cute even if she is from another city and we haven't never met. So guys is it okay if I think in that way and that I walk without anyone while others just can't stand to be alone, they are afraid of it, of their real beings inside them? What do you think, will be glad to see all your opinions. Sorry for my English though, I am ukrainian.
  2. Awedouble

    Awedouble Fapstronaut

    Definitely, I think it's Blaise Pascal that said all mans problems stem from his inability to sit in a room alone?

    People in any kind of recovery and just generally now in the age of social media forget the crowd can be dumbed down. More is not better. Even though I don't think counting days is all that, counting people makes even less sense. It could even have the opposite effect. Separation anxiety and dependency on social validation.
    Jay_K, NF SINCE BIRTH and Bohdanbigos like this.
  3. Bohdanbigos

    Bohdanbigos Fapstronaut

    You are absolutely right!
    NF SINCE BIRTH likes this.
  4. Lau

    Lau Fapstronaut

    They is nothing wrong with being alone all the time but too much loneliness its not healthy.
    Bohdanbigos and NF SINCE BIRTH like this.
  5. Walking cures depression. I learned that simple daily routines like walking, having a good nights sleep and proper meals gets you a long way in maintaining a good mental state.
    Bohdanbigos likes this.
  6. Bohdanbigos

    Bohdanbigos Fapstronaut

    Why it can be unhealthy
  7. Bohdanbigos

    Bohdanbigos Fapstronaut

    Yes, but I am asking about is it okay to walk alone because of not enough friends?
  8. Lau

    Lau Fapstronaut

    Sorry for the late reply. Because I believe we humans are social animals. One of the needs of humans are social needs.
    We need human interaction, love and etc.

    For example, base on a documentary I watch in prison some prisoners in high level security are lock away without seeing other prisoners, no social contact with any other person or guards. During interview, they explain they were going insane and they started talking to themselves.

    So too much loneliness its not healthy.