so today me n her metup at my house and she gave me a handjob even though the previous 2 times we said we’d never do it agaib and i think my horniness mogjtve ruined out relationship becuss she feels ljke a slut since we arent officially dating, we hVent kissed and (for sm context i told her i was locked in for sat so i would ask her out after 100%) is saying if i did ask the question she’ll say no. i feel so fucking terrible cuz what i did was basically sexual harassment and my horniness ruined tje only girl i ever truly even enjoyed being with outside if being horny, i still havent managed ti stay off maustrauvation after all this time and my school grades is pretty trash too when i used to be a straight A student last year and this is one of the singlemost biggest mistake lf my life so far i am actually such a terrible human being